我公司的睫毛粘接剂具有粘性强,耐干时间久,固化时间快。无毒性 不含对苯二酚,不但气味小,无刺激,不刺鼻。同时具有超强的防水性, 在游泳,洗面时不会脱落,3~6个月内不脱落。 1. 用保护膜贴在左右眼睛两边,以保护眼睛。 2. 用卷夹把眼睛上的睫毛卷起来。 3. 用夹子把假睫毛放在白纸上。 4. 用夹子夹住假睫毛粘上睫毛胶。 5. 左右手各拿一个夹子把假睫毛放在眼睫毛合适的位置上粘好。 6. 建议卸除睫毛时,请使用本公司的专用除胶剂。 Masterbond & fxbond eyelash has a very good bonding,dry fast and could keep using for a long time. nontoxic, smelling perfume and no irritant to eye, body and nose. For its ultra strong watERProof character, it would not peel off in 3~6 months even when your swimming and washing face.
1. Using the eye mask to protect your eyes. 2. Use the eyelash clip to Shape your eyelash. 3. Put the false eyelash on a paper. 4. Clip the false eyelash,APPly some eyelash glue to it. 5. Each hand with a clip,bond the false eyelash to the natural one. 6. We suggust that use our glue remover when remove the eyelash glue.