眼睛常被喻为“心灵的窗户”,因为人的七情六欲都能通过眼睛的微妙变化流露出来。 由此可见,眼睛不仅是视觉器官,也是重要的表情器官,它以生动的表情为面容增添魅力, 所以眼睛在人体容貌整体结构的美学意义上占有较为重要的地方。 1. 先轻压出理想位置 2. 使用前先以化妆棉或面纸擦掉眼皮上多余的油脂 3. 再涂上双眼线胶 4. 再次利用I字棒调整眼尾,如此一来就大功告成啦! 5. 约2分钟后,胶呈现透明装再用Y字棒调节器整眼褶 The eyes are often referred to as \\\"the windows of the soul\\\" because the people\\\'s Emotions can reveal subtle changes through their eyes. This shows that the eye is not only the visual organs, is also an important expression organ that can express your feeling vividly and add attractions. So the eyes is regarded as the more important place of the overall structure of the human face of the aesthetic sense.
Instruction: 1. according to your personal style, choose a suitable area of your eyelid. 2. cleaning the eyelid and around with paper. 3. APPlying the double eyelids glue 4. use the “I” sticker to adjust the glue suit for your personal style 5. the glue becomes transPARent on eyelid after about 2 minutes, then use the “Y” sticker to adjust the eyes root and tail part.
本产品用来粘结各种美容系列的人造指甲的专用胶水。 用法: 将物体表面处理干净,然后将有行。美斯邦FXBOND 指甲胶涂于其中指甲一面固定施压,3-15秒后初步接着牢固,48小时为最佳强度才可以接触水。 注意事项: (1)小孩不可使用,眼睛、皮肤不可接触,若不慎接触用水冲洗,并找医师处置,建议使用前索取本企业MSDS安全资料。 (2)一般储存,储存于阴凉干燥处。20℃或0℃无日光直射处,保质期12个月。 1.Position the false nail in the center of the natural nail,angle 45°. 2.APPly some glue to the false nail. 3.Press the false nail to the natural nail surface for 3~8 seconds. 4.Clean the left glue with clean paper,or use the glue remover we provide. 5.The impression drawing.
Application: bonding surface must be smooth,clean,dry.put drops of fxbond on one side only,hold the surface to be bonded together for 3-15 seconds. Caution: 1.Keep away from children.avoid contact with eye and skin.,if contact occurs,flush with warm water and seek for medical attention.refer MSDS before use. 2.store in cool and dry and no direct sunlight condition at (20℃or 0℃),shelf life 12 months.
我公司的睫毛粘接剂具有粘性强,耐干时间久,固化时间快。无毒性 不含对苯二酚,不但气味小,无刺激,不刺鼻。同时具有超强的防水性, 在游泳,洗面时不会脱落,3~6个月内不脱落。 1. 用保护膜贴在左右眼睛两边,以保护眼睛。 2. 用卷夹把眼睛上的睫毛卷起来。 3. 用夹子把假睫毛放在白纸上。 4. 用夹子夹住假睫毛粘上睫毛胶。 5. 左右手各拿一个夹子把假睫毛放在眼睫毛合适的位置上粘好。 6. 建议卸除睫毛时,请使用本公司的专用除胶剂。 Masterbond & fxbond eyelash has a very good bonding,dry fast and could keep using for a long time. nontoxic, smelling perfume and no irritant to eye, body and nose. For its ultra strong watERProof character, it would not peel off in 3~6 months even when your swimming and washing face.
1. Using the eye mask to protect your eyes. 2. Use the eyelash clip to Shape your eyelash. 3. Put the false eyelash on a paper. 4. Clip the false eyelash,APPly some eyelash glue to it. 5. Each hand with a clip,bond the false eyelash to the natural one. 6. We suggust that use our glue remover when remove the eyelash glue.