Bergquist GapPadHC5.0高导热柔软服帖材料 材料生产商:美国贝格斯(BERGQUIST)公司研发产品 GapPadHC5.0可供规格: 厚度(Thickness):0.51mm 1.02mm 1.52mm 2.03mm 2.54mm 3.18mm 片材(Sheet):8”×16”(203×406 mm) 卷材(Roll):无 导热系数(Thermal Conductivity):5.0W/m-k 基材(Reinfrcement Carrier):玻璃纤维 胶面(Glue):双面自带粘性 颜色(Color):亮紫色 包装(Pack):美国原装进口包装 抗击穿电压(Dielectic Breakdown Voltage)(Vac):>5000 持续使用温度(Continous Use Temp):-60°~200° GapPadHC5.0应用材料特性: GapPadHC5.0具有高服贴性,很柔软,材料具有天然粘性,减少了界面热阻,对于易碎元器件产生很小的应力(甚至没有),确保结构件的完整性,采用玻璃纤维基材,加强抗剌穿,剪切和撕裂能力,低压力场合下具有很好的导热性能。 GapPadHC5.0材料说明: GapPadHC5.0由玻璃纤维基材填充高导热的高分子聚合物制成,这种材料很柔软,同时具有弹性和服贴性。采用玻璃纤维基材更易于加工和模切,绝缘效果和抗撕裂能力也更好,材料两边天然的粘性使得GapPadHC5.0更有效地填充空气间隙,全面提升导热性能,材料的上边粘性稍弱,方便于施工操作,在低紧固压力的应用场合,是一种很理想的导热材料。 GapPadHC5.0典型应用: 计算机和外设、通讯设备、热管安装、CD/ROM/DVD-ROM、内存/存储模块、主板和机箱之间、集成电路和数字信号处理器、电压调节模块(VRM)和负荷点电源(POL)、高热量的阵列封装(BGAS) GapPadHC5.0技术优势分析: GapPadHC5.0是贝格斯家族中GapPad系列理性能好的导热绝缘材料。其导热系数达到了惊人的5.0W。一般用于高端产品设备的导热绝缘作用。是贝格斯硅胶片系列的代表作之一。 GAP PAD™ HC 5.0 is a soft and compliant gap filling material with a thermal conductivity of 5.0 W/m-K. The material offers exceptional thermal performance at low pressures due to a unique filler package and low-modulus resin formulation. The enhanced material is ideal for applications requiring low stress on components and boards during assembly. GAP PAD™ HC 5.0 maintains a conformable nature that allows for excellent interfacing and wet-out characteristics, even to surfaces with high roughness and/or topography. GAP PAD™ HC 5.0 is offered with natural inherent tack on both sides of the material, eliminating the need for thermallyimpeding adhesive layers. The top side has minimal tack for ease of handling. GAP PAD™ HC 5.0 is supplied with protective liners on both sides. 销售公司:东莞市贝歌斯电子有限公司 公司阿里巴巴金店网址: 公司官网: 联系人: 高远先生 联系电话:13798788136 传真:0769-83814348
Bergquist GapPadHC5.0高导热柔软服帖材料 材料生产商:美国贝格斯(BERGQUIST)公司研发产品 GapPadHC5.0可供规格: 厚度(Thickness):0.51mm 1.02mm 1.52mm 2.03mm 2.54mm 3.18mm 片材(Sheet):8”×16”(203×406 mm) 卷材(Roll):无 导热系数(Thermal Conductivity):5.0W/m-k 基材(Reinfrcement Carrier):玻璃纤维 胶面(Glue):双面自带粘性 颜色(Color):亮紫色 包装(Pack):美国原装进口包装 抗击穿电压(Dielectic Breakdown Voltage)(Vac):>5000 持续使用温度(Continous Use Temp):-60°~200° GapPadHC5.0应用材料特性: GapPadHC5.0具有高服贴性,很柔软,材料具有天然粘性,减少了界面热阻,对于易碎元器件产生很小的应力(甚至没有),确保结构件的完整性,采用玻璃纤维基材,加强抗剌穿,剪切和撕裂能力,低压力场合下具有很好的导热性能。 GapPadHC5.0材料说明: GapPadHC5.0由玻璃纤维基材填充高导热的高分子聚合物制成,这种材料很柔软,同时具有弹性和服贴性。采用玻璃纤维基材更易于加工和模切,绝缘效果和抗撕裂能力也更好,材料两边天然的粘性使得GapPadHC5.0更有效地填充空气间隙,全面提升导热性能,材料的上边粘性稍弱,方便于施工操作,在低紧固压力的应用场合,是一种很理想的导热材料。 GapPadHC5.0典型应用: 计算机和外设、通讯设备、热管安装、CD/ROM/DVD-ROM、内存/存储模块、主板和机箱之间、集成电路和数字信号处理器、电压调节模块(VRM)和负荷点电源(POL)、高热量的阵列封装(BGAS) GapPadHC5.0技术优势分析: GapPadHC5.0是贝格斯家族中GapPad系列理性能好的导热绝缘材料。其导热系数达到了惊人的5.0W。一般用于高端产品设备的导热绝缘作用。是贝格斯硅胶片系列的代表作之一。 GAP PAD™ HC 5.0 is a soft and compliant gap filling material with a thermal conductivity of 5.0 W/m-K. The material offers exceptional thermal performance at low pressures due to a unique filler package and low-modulus resin formulation. The enhanced material is ideal for applications requiring low stress on components and boards during assembly. GAP PAD™ HC 5.0 maintains a conformable nature that allows for excellent interfacing and wet-out characteristics, even to surfaces with high roughness and/or topography. GAP PAD™ HC 5.0 is offered with natural inherent tack on both sides of the material, eliminating the need for thermallyimpeding adhesive layers. The top side has minimal tack for ease of handling. GAP PAD™ HC 5.0 is supplied with protective liners on both sides.
Bergquist GapFiller3500S35双组分液态间隙填充导热材料 材料生产商:美国贝格斯(BERGQUIST)公司研发产品 GapFiller3500S35可供规格: 规格(Specifications): 50CC、400CC、1200CC、6gallon 导热系数(Thermal Conductivity):3.6W/m-k 基材(Reinfrcement Carrier):硅胶 胶面(Glue):无 颜色(Color):蓝色/白色 包装(Pack):美国原装进口包装 持续使用温度(Continous Use Temp):-60°~200° 密度(Density): 3.0g/cc GapFiller3500S35应用材料特性: GapFiller3500S35双组分配方便易于储存,触变特性使其容易点胶,超好贴服性,针对易碎和低压力应用设计,室温固化及加速固化 Gap Filler 3500S35 is a two-component liquid gap filling material, cured at either room or elevated temperature, featuring ultra-high thermal performance and superior softness. Prior to curing, the material maintains good thixotropic characteristics as well as low viscosity. The result is a gel-like liquid material designed to fill air gaps and voids yet flow when acted upon by an external force (e.g. dispensing or assembly process). The material is an excellent solution for interfacing fragile components with high topography and/or stack-up tolerances to a universal heat sink or housing. Once cured, it remains a low modulus elastomer designed to assist in relieving CTE stresses during thermal cycling yet maintain enough modulus to prevent pump-out from the interface. Gap Filler 3500S35 will lightly adhere to surfaces, thus improving surface area contact. Gap Filler 3500S35 is not designed to be a structural adhesive. GapFiller3500S35材料应用: 汽车电子,独立元器件到外壳,PCBA到外壳,光纤通讯设备,印刷电路板组件和外壳之间,光纤通讯设备 GapFiller3500S35技术优势分析: GapFiller3500S35间隙填充材料提供了卓越的导热性能并且是使用液态点胶设备的理想产品,作为在现场成型的弹性体,针对不平整的板子起伏,他们的很好贴服性特性提供了很大的厚度覆盖。他们理想的应用于易碎的和低应力应用场合,比如电源电子和独立元器件。他们的低粘性可以确保点胶设备在压力较低的情况下,提供更快的流量,压力过高会使胶类分解且影响机械性能。固化后,形成干的可触摸的表面,没有固化副产物,可以得到干净的装配件。