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企业地址: 海沧区东孚镇凤山村78号 企业邮编: 361000
联系电话: 0592-6773283 所属行业: 贸易/代理
公司传真: 0592-6773030 公司所在地: 福建 厦门
公司网站: 企业类型: 个体/私人
电子邮件: 联系人: 赖先生
企业全称: 厦门埃克森贸易有限公司 QQ: 2240749283
企业简介: 厦门埃克森贸易有限公司是一间以工业特殊润滑服务为核心事业,在不断的开拓与发展中,我们在全国已形成了全面、完善的销售网络、销售网点,覆盖全国多个省市,是中国区域最大最专业经营国际品牌润滑油的销售服务商,是行业中一贯坚持生产高品质润滑油,不断把握市场需求,设计研发更加符合客户要求之产品的典范。

三明美孚DTE 26#抗磨液压油

商机面向地区: 福建 厦门 发布日期: 2013年8月9日
供求信息分类: 能源/环保 石油及制品
商机联系人: 赖先生
供求电话: 13666029020
QQ: 2240749283
销售信息: 供应 三明美孚DTE 26#抗磨液压油    

Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ Serien

Premium hydraulikolie

Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ serien er en højtydende anti-slid hydraulikolie specielt udviklet til at opfylde kravene for moderne højtrykshydrauliksystemer i industrielt udstyr og rullende materiel.

Mobil DTE 10 Excel-serien er sammensat af omhyggeligt udvalgte baseolier og et patentbeskyttet additivsystem for at opnå velbalanceret ydelse under forskellige anvendelsesforhold. Produktet udviser fremragende oxiderings- og termisk stabilitet, hvilket giver lang levetid for olien og mindsker aflejringer under krævende forhold i hydrauliske systemer med høj pumpeydelse og højt tryk. De renholdende egenskaber beskytter kritiske hydrauliske systemkomponenter, såsom proportional- og servoventiler med snævre tolerancer imod fejlfunktion.Det høje forskydningsstabile viskositetsindeks tillader maksimal hydraulisk effektivitet og komponentbeskyttelse inden for et meget bredt temperaturområde. Fremragende luftudskillelse giver forbedret beskyttelse i systemer med høj oliecirkulation, og hjælper med at undgå kavitation og dieseleffekt. De omhyggeligt udvalgte baseolier og additiver tillader, at olierne opfylder krav til lav akut toksicitet (LC-50, OECD 203) og det zinkfrie antislidsystem giver et højt niveau af beskyttelse af tandhjuls-, lamel- og stempelpumper, og mindsker samtidig dannelse af aflejringer.

Mobil DTE 10 Excel serien er formuleret på grundlag af vidtrækkende afprøvning både i laboratorier og i felten, og kan hjælpe med at give målbare forøgelser i hydraulisk effektivitet, sammenlignet med andre ExxonMobil hydraulik olier. Dette kan omsættes til mindre energiforbrug eller øget maskinpræstation, hvilket igen resulterer i pengebesPARelser.

I kontrollerede energitests blev Mobil DTE 10 målt til at give op til 6 % forbedring i hydrauliske pumpers effektivitet sammenlignet med Mobil DTE 20, ved anvendelse i standard hydraulisk udstyr.

Ved yderligere laboratorie- og fieldtests på en lang række moderne hydrauliksystemer blev det påvist, at Mobil DTE 10 Excel-serien holdt indtil tre gange længere end ExxonMobils konventionelle hydrauliske olier, og samtidig opretholdt fremragende renhed og komponentbeskyttelse i systemet. Mobil DTE 10 Excel har også vist værdien af dets høje viskositetsindeks og fremragende forskydningsstabilitet ved at give god ydelse helt ned til -34° C og ved at opretholde ISO viskositetsgraden.

Mobil DTE 10 Excel er også blevet afprøvet i standard lamelpumper under kontrollerede forhold imod konkurrerende produkter. Ved afslutningen af den 30 minutter lange afprøvning var Mobil DTE 10 Excel årsag til mindre varmeudvikling, og systemtemperaturerne blev målt til 6-7° C lavere end visse konkurrerende produkter prøvekørt under identiske forhold.

Egenskaber og fordele

Energieffektiviteten af Mobil DTE 10 Excel er udelukkernde relateret til væskens ydeevne sammenlignet med ExxonMobils standard hydrauliske væsker. Den anvendte teknologi tillader op til en 6 % forøgelse af hydrauliske pumpers effektivitet sammenlignet med Mobil DTE 20-serien, ved afprøvning i standard hydrauliske anvendelser under kontrollerede betingelser. Energieffektiviteten for dette produkt baseres på prøveresultater for anvendelse af væsken i henhold til alle gældende industristandarder og -protokoller.

Mobil DTE 10 Excel-serien giver fremragende effektivitet i hydrauliksystemer; særdeles god renholdelse, og en væsentligt forbedret olielevetid. Den forbedrede hydrauliske effektivitet kan reducere energiforbrug for både industrielt udstyr og rullende materiel, mindskede driftsomkostninger og forbedret produktivitet. Den fremragende oxidations- og termiske stabilitet tillader længere olieskiftintervaller og hjælper med at sikre rene systemer. Høj slidbeskyttelse og fremragende smørefilmstyrke resulterer i høj beskyttelse af udstyret, som ikke blot resulterer i mindre maskinnedbrud, men hjælper med at forbedre produktionskapaciteten.

Egenskaber Reelle og mulige fordele
Fremragende hydraulisk effektivitet Potentielt mindsket energiforbrug og/eller forbedret systemrespons.
Renholdende egenskaber Færre aflejringer betyder mindre maskinvedligeholdelse og forlænget levetid for komponenter
Forskydningsstabil, højt viskositetsindeks Varig komponentbeskyttelse over et bredt temperaturområde
Oxidations- og termisk stabiltet Forlænger væskens levetid, selv under vanskeligebelastende driftsforhold
God forenelighed med pakninger og elastomerer Lang levetid for pakninger og mindsket vedligeholdelse
Anti-slid-egenskaber Hjælper med at reducere slid og bekytter pumper og komponenter for længere maskinlevetid
Fremragende luftudskillelsesevne Hjælper med at undgå luftindblanding og kavitation i systemer med høj oliecirkulation.
Forenelig med almindeligt anvendte metaller Hjælper med at sikre høj ydeevne og beskyttelse, selv når der er anvendt mange forskellige metaller

•Hydraulikanlæg i industrielt og rullende materiel, hvor der anvendes højt tryk og temperatur under vanskelige forhold
•Hydraulikanlæg med risiko for megen aflejring, såsom avancerede computerkontrollerede (CNC) maskiner, især hvor der anvendes servoventiler med små tolerancer
•Systemer, hvor koldstart og høje driftstemperaturer ofte forekommer
•Systemer, som kræver et højt niveau af belastningskapacitet og slidbeskyttelse
•Maskiner, som anvender komponenter fremstillet af forskellige metaller
•Skruekompressorer til kompression af naturgas

Specifikationer og godkendelser

Mobil DTE 10 Excel Serien Opfylder eller overstiger kravet om: 15 22 32 46 68 100 150
DIN 51524-2: 2006-09 X X X X X X X
DIN 51524-3: 2006-09 X X X X X
ISO 11158 L- HV X X X X X
Bosch-Rexroth RE 90220-01 X X X
Arburg X
Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftechnik X

Mobil DTE 10 Excel Serien Har følgende fabrikant godkendelser: 15 22 32 46 68 100 150
Denison HF-0 X X X
Eaton Vickers 694 (encompasses former I-286-S, M-2950-S or M-2952-S) X X X
Frank Mohn, Framo hydraulic cargo pumping X
MAG IAS, LLC P-70 P-69

Typiske egenskaber

Mobil DTE 10 Excel 15 22 32 46 68 100 150
ISO viskositetsklasse 15 22 32 46 68 100 150
Viskositet, ASTM D445
cSt @ 40º C 15,8 22,4 32,7 45,6 68,4 99,8 155,6
cSt @ 100º C 4,07 5,07 6,63 8,45 11,17 13,00 17,16
Viskositetsindeks, ASTM D 2270 168 164 164 164 156 127 120
Brookfield viscositet ASTM D 2983, cP ved -20 °C 1090 1870 3990 11240 34500
Brookfield viscositet ASTM D 2983, cP ved -30 °C 3360 7060 16380 57800
Brookfield viscositet ASTM D 2983, cP ved -40 °C 2620 6390 14240 55770
Koniske rulningslejer (CEC L-45-A-99), % viskositetstab 5 5 5 7 11 7 7
Densitet 15º C, ASTM D 4052, kg/L 0,8375 0,8418 0,8468 0,8502 0,8626 0,8773 0,8821
Kobberkorrosion, ASTM D 130, 3 timer ved 100 ºC 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
FZG slidtest, DIN 51354, Fail Stage - - 12 12 12 12 12
Flydepunkt, °C, ASTM D 97 -54 -54 -54 -45 -39 -33 -30
Flammepunkt, °C, ASTM D 92 182 224 250 232 240 258 256
Skumtest I, II, III, ASTM D 892 , ml 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0
Dielektrisk styrke, kV, ASTM D877 45 54 49 41
Akut vandtoksicitet (LC-50, OECD 203) bestået bestået bestået bestået bestået bestået bestået

Sundhed og sikkerhed
På grundlag af de oplysninger, der er til rådighed, forventes det ikke, at dette produkt vil have nogen sundhedsskadelige virkninger, når det benyttes efter hensigten, og når de anbefalinger, der er angivet i sikkerhedsdatabladet, følgesSikkerhedsdatablade kan fås efter anmodning gennem det lokale salgskontor eller via internettet. Dette produkt bør ikke anvendes andre formål end de nævnte.Sørg for at tage de nødvendige miljøhensyn ved bortskaffelse af det brugte produkt

Alle her anvendte varemærker er varemærker eller registrerede varemærker, der tilhører Exxon Mobil Corporation eller et af dets datterselskaber medmindre andet er angivet.


厦门美孚润滑油专卖店 循环油

商机面向地区: 福建 厦门 发布日期: 2013年8月9日
供求信息分类: 能源/环保 石油及制品
商机联系人: 何小姐
供求电话: 15159246011
电子邮件: 2240742983@qq¡£com
QQ: 2240749283
销售信息: 供应 厦门美孚润滑油专卖店 循环油    

Mobil DTE Double Letter (美孚DTE 双字母系列)
美孚DTE 双字母系列润滑油是高性能重负荷循环油,主要在齿轮轴承的循环润滑系统中连续反复使用。这些油品配方采用高质量 基础油和独特的添加剂系统,具有出色的防锈、抗氧化和抗热降解以及抗磨损保护性能,并对软金属有出色的防高温腐蚀能力。 它们有很好的抗乳化能力,使水和其它杂质在系统储槽里很容易从油中分离出来。美孚DTE 双字母系列有从150到460的四种粘度等级 。

美孚DTE 双字母系列产品系列族为广泛的工业设备提供各种润滑剂,为用户的工业循环系统及其它润滑应用提供可靠, 高效的运转。 它们能在长期高温下运行,油的滞留时间短,在循环系统中性能出色。美孚DTE 双字母系列油品的水分离特性极佳, 水很容易 在系统储槽中分离出来。

由于具有这些综合优点,美孚 DTE 双字母系列近几十年来一直是全世界许多用户的首选产品。特性与优点

美孚DTE 产品系列族因该品牌出色的性能和研发专长以及全球性技术支持而驰名遐迩,备受推崇。美孚 DTE 双字母系列油品 系列性能优异, 用途极其广泛,因此几十年来一直是是全世界许多用户的首选产品。

美孚DTE名称油在工业齿轮箱的循环系统,加上各种各样的辅助设备,包括液压系统的润滑享有良好的声誉。随着设计的变化和作业强度的增加, 我们的科学家不断了解这些变化对润滑油的影响,并改进产品配方,使其具有独特的更广泛的适用性 。

对于美孚DTE 双字母系列润滑油,我们在改进的过程中采用了独家拥有的高质量基础油,使产品具有出色的氧化稳定性, 并采用独特的添加剂组合,以保证 这些油品具有出色的多用性能。以下为这些产品的特点、优点以及潜在效益一览:

特性 优点及潜在效益
出色的抗热/氧化和化学降解能力 润滑寿命长,延长换油周期,降低循环油更换成本
在液态和蒸汽阶段提供防锈和防腐蚀保护 提高系统清洁程度,减少保养和计划外停车
良好的抗乳化能力,避免形成乳化液 提高作业效率,降低作业成本
多种应用能力 减少和节约工厂库存


•美孚DTE 特重级至 HH 油品适宜用于循环系统
•美孚DTE 特重级和 BB 也可用于空间余地较大而温度和压力中等的液压系统


美孚 DTE 双字母系列 Mobil DTE Oil 特重级 Mobil DTE Oil BB Mobil DTE Oil AA Mobil DTE Oil HH
ISO粘度等级 150 220 320 460
粘度,ASTM D 445
cSt @ 40°C 146 218 325 436
cSt @ 100°C 14.4 18.8 24.4 29.4
粘度指数,ASTM D 2270 96 96 96 95
倾点,°C, ASTM D 97 -21 -18 -12 -15
闪点,°C, ASTM D 92 272 284 286 288
密度@15°C, ASTM D 1298, kg/l 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.90
非EP 油品抗乳化能力, ASTM D2711, ml 游离水 38 36 39 35
水分离能力ASTM D 1401, 至40/37/3 ml 乳化层分钟数 @ 82°C 20 20 20 20
防锈测试, ASTM D 665
蒸馏水 通过 通过 通过 通过
海水 通过 通过 通过 通过
铜片腐蚀测试,ASTM D130 3 小时@ 100°C 1A 1A 1A 1A
FZG 齿轮测试,DIN 51354, 失败阶段 12 12 12 12

根据现有资料显示,在本产品的使用过程中,不会对人体健康产生不良影响,但在使用过程中需遵循物料安全资料表 (MSDS) 上所 提供的指引。有关物料安全资料表可向当地经销部门或上网获取。除指定的用途外,本产品不应用於其他用途。如需处理用过的产品,注意保护环境。




商机面向地区: 福建 厦门 发布日期: 2013年8月9日
供求信息分类: 能源/环保 石油及制品
商机联系人: 何小姐
供求电话: 15159246011
QQ: 2240749283
销售信息: 供应 厦漳泉美孚齿轮油XP600系列    

Mobilgear 600 XP 系列


Mobilgear 600 XP 系列为超高性能齿轮油,具有出色的承受极端压力和负荷的特性,适用于采用循环式或飞溅式润滑的各类闭式齿轮传动系统。.Mobilgear 600 XP 系列旨在超前满足齿轮箱技术不断变化的需求。齿轮箱设计技术趋向于以体积较小的齿轮箱单元来达到相似的功率输出。功率密度增大对齿轮油提出更多的要求。Mobilgear 600 XP 系列油品配方通过向齿轮、轴承和密封提供额外的保护来满足这些要求。

Mobilgear 600 XP 系列配方保护齿轮齿,避免早期磨损。微量磨损(称之为微点蚀)可导致齿轮齿严重损坏。Mobilgear 600 XP系列超过工业界对轴承磨损保护的要求。事实上,Mobilgear 600 XP 系列提供的磨损保护相当于工业标准 FAG FE8 试验的15 倍. Mobilgear 600 XP 系列均衡的配方可提供最大的抗磨损和防腐保护,同时与常用齿轮箱密封材料保持兼容。Mobilgear 600 XP 有助于保持齿轮箱密封完好,从而防止漏油并避免污染。 通过保护齿轮、轴承和密封, Mobilgear 600 XP 可改进设备的可靠性并提高生产效率。

Mobilgear 600 XP 系列油品建议用于采用循环润滑或飞溅润滑的闭式工业正齿轮、斜齿轮和锥齿轮,作业整体油温可高达100ºC. 它们特别适宜于在高负荷或冲击负荷工况下运转的齿轮组。 Mobilgear 600 XP油品也广泛应用于船用齿轮传动。 同时,它们也可用于非齿轮应用,包括高负荷和低速滑动与滚动接触轴承。

美孚品牌工业润滑油素以创新和高性能而享有卓著声誉,而Mobilgear 600 XP 系列产品便是其中的佼佼者。 这些矿物油基调配成的高品质的工业齿轮油,符合最新工业标准,适宜多种用途,用于润滑各种工业和船用设备。

Mobilgear 600 XP 系列产品具有以下特性和潜在的效益:

特性 优势及潜在效益
加强对齿轮的磨损保护,防止产生微点蚀 齿轮和轴承磨损减少即减少停机时间
减少磨损产生的颗粒造成凹坑 轴承寿命提高达 22% ,从而降低轴承更换成本并提高生产效率
提高了轴承磨损保护 延长轴承寿命,提高生产效率
与各种密封材料兼容出色 减少漏油、油耗和污染,有助于减少维修,提高齿轮箱可靠性和生产效率
出色的抗氧化和热降解性能 有助于延长润滑油寿命,降低润滑油和润滑成本并减少计划停机时间
优良的抗油泥和沉积形成能力 使系统保持清洁,减少维护保养
用途广泛 由于适用范围广泛,顾客库存中只需要准备较少的润滑油等级,从而降低采购和存储成本,用错润滑油的危险也随之减少
对钢材提供优化的防锈和防腐保护,对铜和软金属合金提供防腐蚀保护 对机器部件提供出色的保护,减少保养维修成本
抗泡沫和抗乳化的性能 在有水污染或在油品易于发泡的设备中提供有效的润滑和顺畅的运行

Mobilgear 600 XP润滑油适宜各种工业应用和船用 ,尤其是正齿轮、斜齿轮、锥齿轮和涡轮传动。 专门应用包括:

•用于传送带、搅拌机、干燥机、挤出机、风扇、混合机、冲压机、纸浆机、泵 (包括油井泵)、筛网、挤塑机及其它重型设备的工业齿轮
•非齿轮应用, 包括联轴器、螺杆以及低速运转的高负荷滑动与滚动接触轴承
•Mobilgear 600 XP 100、150、220、320、460, 和 680 经过西门子批准,可用于 Flender 齿轮箱


Mobilgear 600 XP 系列 符合或超越以下要求 Mobilgear 600 XP 68 Mobilgear 600 XP 100 Mobilgear 600 XP 150 Mobilgear 600 XP 220 Mobilgear 600 XP 320 Mobilgear 600 XP 460 Mobilgear 600 XP 680
AGMA 9005-E02 2 EP 3 EP 4 EP 5 EP 6 EP 7 EP -
DIN 51517-3: 2009-06 X X X X X X X
ISO 12925-1 Typ CKD 68 CKD 100 CKD 150 CKD 220 CKD 320 CKC 460 CKC 680

Mobilgear 600 XP 系列 获得以下制造商的认可 Mobilgear 600 XP 68 Mobilgear 600 XP 100 Mobilgear 600 XP 150 Mobilgear 600 XP 220 Mobilgear 600 XP 320 Mobilgear 600 XP 460 Mobilgear 600 XP 680
西门子 T 7300, 表 A-1,修订版 13, FLENDER 编码: - A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12
Mueller Weingarten DT 55 005 CLP 100 CLP 150 CLP 220 CLP 320 CLP 460


Mobilgear 600 XP 68 100 150 220 320 460 680
ISO 粘度等级 68 100 150 220 320 460 680
粘度,ASTM D 445
mm²/s @ 40 ºC 68 100 150 220 320 460 680
mm²/s @ 100 ºC 8.8 11.2 14.7 19.0 24.1 30.6 39.2
粘度指数, ASTM D2270 101 97 97 97 97 96 90
倾点, °C, ASTM D97 -27 -24 -24 -24 -24 -15 -9
闪点, °C, ASTM D92 230 230 230 240 240 240 285
密度,@15.6 ºC, ASTM D4052, kg/l 0.88 0.88 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.91
FZG微点蚀,FVA 54,失效阶段/额定 10 / 高 10 / 高 10 / 高 10 / 高 10 / 高 10 / 高
FE 8 磨损试验, DIN 51819-3, D7,5/80-80. 滚柱磨损, mg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
铁姆肯OK负荷, ASTM D 2782,磅 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
4 球 EP 试验, ASTM D2783,
焊接负荷,kg 200 200 250 250 250 250 250
负荷磨损指数,kgf 47 47 47 48 48 48 48
FZG划擦,DIN 51354,失效阶段
A/8.3/90 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+
A/16.6/90 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+
防锈保护, ASTM D665,海水 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过 通过
铜片腐蚀,ASTM D130, 3 小时 @ 100 ºC 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
抗乳化稳定性能,ASTM D1401,3ml乳化时间,分钟@ 82ºC 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
泡沫试验,ASTM D892,趋势/稳定性, ml/ml
顺序1 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
顺序2 30/0 30/0 30/0 30/0 30/0 30/0 30/0

根据現有资料,本产品用于规定目的时,若遵循物料安全资料表 (MSDS) 所提供的建议,不会对人体健康产生不良影响。 有关物料安全资料表(MSDS)可向当地办事处索取或上网http://www.exxonmobil.com查阅。 除指定的用途外,本产品不应用于其他用途。 如需处理用过的产品,注意保护环境。




商机面向地区: 福建 厦门 发布日期: 2013年8月9日
供求信息分类: 化工 石油
销售信息: 供应 漳州泉州厦门福州不锈钢切削油批发    

Mobilmet 440 系列


Mobilmet 440 系列切削液为高性能、多用途、无侵蚀性纯切削液,旨在用于中等至重负荷的切削作业,也适宜用作机床润滑油和特定应用中的液压液。Mobilmet 440 系列由高质量基础油和精选添加剂调配而成,在各种中度至重度的作业中提供有效的加工性能。该系列产品在加工时不会对黑色或非黑色金属造成染污。Mobilet 440 系列配方可防止其在机床四周形成油雾,因而可使工作环境更加安全和舒适。

Mobilmet 440 系列切削液旨在用于各类中度至重度的非腐蚀性切削和加工作业,可提高产品使用寿命,改善刀具寿命并降低废品率。该系列产品为多用途切削油,还可适用于机床润滑和液压润滑。这些特性有助于最大程度地减少交叉污染的影响并降低与非计划性换油或机器和刀具性能下降相关的成本。

特性 优点及潜在效益
多用途特性 减少交叉污染问题
无侵蚀性/不染污工件 改善成品材料的品质
高效的加工性能 延长刀具寿命并减少停机时间
有效的抗油雾特性 工作环境更加干净和安全

Mobilmet 440 系列切削液推荐用于所有金属中度至重度的各种加工作业。Mobilmet 443建议用于加工有色金属及其合金、以及中度至难加工的钢材(包括渗碳钢、碳钢和高合金钢)。Mobilmet 446 和 Mobilmet 447 推荐用于重负荷的滚齿、切齿和剃齿,齿轮和螺纹的磨削、铣削和拉削作业。


Mobilmet 440 系列 443 446 447
粘度,ASTM D 445
cSt @ 40º C 15.3 32.6 45.9
cSt @ 100ºC 3.8 6.0 7.4
粘度指数,ASTM D 2270 145 132 124
倾点,ºC,ASTM D 97 -33 -24 -33
闪点,ºC,ASTM D 92 170 190 220
比重 @15º C kg/l,ASTM D 4052 0.86 0.88 0.89
铜片腐蚀测试,ASTM D 130,3 小时 @ 100º C 2A 2A 2A

根据现有资料显示,本产品在预定应用的使用过程中不会对健康产生不良影响 ,但在使用过程中需遵循物质安全资料表 (MSDS) 提供的指引。有关物质安全资料表可向当地销售部门索取或上网获取。除指定的用途外,本产品不应用于其他用途。如需处理用过的产品,应注意保护环境。


美孚 DTE 超凡系列 抗磨液压油

商机面向地区: 福建 厦门 发布日期: 2013年8月9日
供求信息分类: 化工 石油
销售信息: 供应 美孚 DTE 超凡系列 抗磨液压油    

Mobil DTE Excel™ Series (美孚 DTE 超凡™系列)


美孚 DTE 超凡™系列是优质液压油,用于高速高压活塞叶片和齿轮泵。本系列产品采用高品质基础油和特别选择的超稳定添加剂配制 而成。 采用先进的无灰分抗磨添加剂系统,本系列产品能够为严苛液压应用中的铜合金,例如高压轴向活塞泵,提供独特的防腐蚀 保护。 本独特添加剂系统还使美孚 DTE 超凡系列产品与金属工艺应用中的冷却剂具有很好的相容性。

美孚 DTE 超凡系列油品具有优异的氧化及热稳定性,可延长油品和过滤器寿命,同时提供最佳的设备保护, 减少维护和产品处置费用。 这些产品通过与主要原设备制造商 (OEM) 配合开发,能满足使用高压、高输出泵工作在严苛条件下的液压系统的最严格要求, 以及处理其他液压系统元件例如紧公差伺服阀和高精度数控(NC)机械工具的严格要求。这些产品是设计用于在中等至严重苛刻的条件下工作、需要高抗磨和油膜强度保护的系统,但在通常推荐使用无抗磨性液压油的场合也可以使用这些产品。

美孚 DTE 超凡系列液压油具有杰出的高温性能,能提供名副其实的超凡的设备保护。本系列产品的抗氧化及热稳定性佳, 可延长油品 和过滤器更换周期,同时确保系统特别清洁和无故障运行。本系列产品的高抗磨性能和高的油膜强度的特点能使设备发挥优异的性能,不但可减少设备故障,而且有利于提高生产量。它们良好的破乳化性,能在具有少量进水的系统中正常工作,并能迅速地将大部分的水分离

特性 优点及潜在效益
独特的无灰分抗磨添加剂 减少磨损
杰出的热和氧化稳定性 油品和设备寿命长
优异的防腐蚀保护 防止液压系统内部腐蚀
非常好的多金属相容性 保证多种元件的优异性能
满足广泛的设备要求 一个产品可以替代几个产品
良好的分水性 在有少量水的情况下保护系统
与冷却剂的分离性非常好 提高冷却液寿命

•沉淀物积聚极其关键的液压系统,例如复杂的数控 (NC) 机械,特别是在使用紧公差伺服阀的应用


美孚 DTE 超凡系列符合或超越以下要求 32 46 68 100 150
DIN 51524-2 2006-09 X X X X X
ISO L-HM, (ISO 11158, 1997) X X X X


Mobil DTE 超凡系列 22 32 46 68 100 150
ISO 粘度等级 22 32 46 68 100 150
粘度, ASTM D 445
cSt @ 40ºC 22.0 32.0 46.0 68.0 100.0 150.0
cSt @ 100ºC 4.09 5.4 6.7 8.5 11.10 14.5
粘度指数, ASTM D 2270 97 97 97 97 97 94
密度,在15ºC,ASTM D 4052,kg/L 0.8705 0.8725 0.8765 0.8825 0.8845 0.889
铜片腐蚀,ASTM D 130,3 小时,在 100ºC 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A
锈蚀特性,ASTM D 665A 合格 合格 合格 合格 合格 合格
FZG 齿轮测试,DIN 51345,失效等级 - 12 12 12 12 12
倾点, ºC, ASTM D 97 -33 -33 -33 -33 -24 -24
闪点, ºC, ASTM D 92 212 222 226 236 230 230
泡沫序列 I,II,III,ASTM D 892,ml 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0

根据现有资料显示,本产品在使用过程中不会对人体健康产生不良影响,但在使用过程中需遵循物质安全资料表 (MSDS) 提供的指引。有关物质安全资料表可向当地销售部门索取或上网获取。除指定的用途外,本产品不应用于其他用途。如需处理用过的产品,应注意保护环境。


安微美孚润滑油 安微美孚DTE液压油

商机面向地区: 福建 厦门 发布日期: 2013年8月9日
供求信息分类: 能源/环保 石油及制品
商机联系人: 赖先生
供求电话: 13666029020
QQ: 2240749283
销售信息: 供应 安微美孚润滑油 安微美孚DTE液压油    

Mobil DTE™ 20 Series

Hydraulic Oils

Product Description
Mobil DTE™ 20 Series oils are supreme performance anti-wear hydraulic oils designed to satisfy a wide range of hydraulic equipment requirements. They provide long oil/filter life and optimum equipment protection reducing both maintenance costs and product disposal costs. They were developed in conjunction with the major builders to meet the stringent requirements of severe hydraulic systems using high pressure, high ouTPUt pumps as well as handling the critical requirements of other hydraulic system components such as close clearance servo-valves and the high accuracy numerically controlLED (NC) machine tools. These products meet the most rigorous performance requirements of a wide range of hydraulic system and component manufacturers using various multi-metallurgy designs allowing a single product with outstanding performance characteristics.

The DTE 20 Series oils are formulated with high quality base oils and a sUPEr-stabilised additive system that neutralises the formation of corrosive materials. They are designed to work with systems operating under severe conditions where high levels of antiwear and film strength protection are needed, yet they are formulated to work where non-antiwear hydraulic oils are generally recommended.

Features and Benefits
The Mobil DTE 20 Series hydraulic oils provide outstanding oxidation reSIStance allowing extension of oil and filter change intervals. Their high level of anti-wear properties and excellent film strength characteristics result in exceptional equipment performance that not only results in fewer breakdowns but helps improve production capacity. Their detergency and keep clean properties offer service over a wide range of system cleanlinesses while their controlled demulsibility permits the oils to work well in systems contaminated with small amounts of water yet readily sePARate large amounts of water.

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Anti-wear Helps reduce wear
Protects systems using various metallurgy
Quality Reserve Maintains performance features even under severe service conditions and extended drain intervals
Helps improve system cleanliness
Oxidation Stability Provides long oil and equipment life
Helps extend filter life
Corrosion Protection Prevents internal hydraulic system corrosion
Helps reduce the negative effects of moisture in systems
Provides corrosion protection of multi-metallurgy component designs
Meets a Wide Range of equipment requirements One product can replace several products, minimizing inventory requirements
Helps reduce potential for product misAPPlication
Air Separation Characteristics Reduces foaming potential and it's negative effects
Water Separation Protects systems where small quantities of moisture are present
Readily separates larger quantities of water
Keep Clean Properties Helps reduce system deposits and sludging helping to reduce maintenance costs
Protects critical components such as servo-valves helping to extend equipment life
Helps improve total system performance

•Hydraulic systems critical to deposit build-up such as sophisticated Numerically Controlled (NC) machines, particularly where close clearance servo-valves are used
•Where small amounts of water are unavoidable
•Applications where sludges and deposits form with conventional products
•In systems containing gears and bearings
•Systems requiring a high degree of load-carrying capability and anti-wear protection
•Applications where thin oil-film corrosion protection is an asset such as systems where small amounts of water are unavoidable
•Machines employing a wide range of components using various metallurgy

Specifications and APPRovals

Mobil DTE 20 Series meets or exceeds the requirements of: 21 22 24 25 26 27 28
DIN 51524-2 2006-09 X X X X

Mobil DTE 20 Series has the following builder approvals 21 22 24 25 26 27 28
Vickers I-286-S X X X
Vickers M-2950-S X X X
Denison HF-0 X X X
Denison HF-1 X X X
Denison HF-2 X X X
Husky HS 207 X

Typical Properties

Mobil DTE 20 Series 21 22 24 25 26 27 28
ISO Grade 10 22 32 46 68 100 150
Viscosity, ASTM D 445
cSt @ 40º C 10.0 21.0 31.5 44.2 71.2 95.3 142.8
cSt @ 100º C 2.74 4.5 5.29 6.65 8.53 10.9 14.28
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 98 98 98 98 98 98 98
Specific Gravity @ 15.6º C/15.6º C, ASTM D 1298 0.845 0.860 0.871 0.876 0.881 0.887 0.895
Copper Strip Corrosion, ASTM D 130, 3 hrs @ 100º C 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
Rust Characteristics Proc B, ASTM D 665 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -30 -30 -27 -27 -21 -21 -15
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 174 200 220 232 236 248 276
FZG 4-Square Load SuPPOrt, DIN 51354, Fail Stage - - 12 12 12 12 12
Foam Sequence I, II, III, ASTM D 892 , ml 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0 20/0

Health and Safety
Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.




商机面向地区: 福建 厦门 发布日期: 2013年8月9日
供求信息分类: 能源/环保 石油及制品
商机联系人: 赖先生
供求电话: 13666029020
QQ: 2240749283
销售信息: 供应 安微合肥、芜湖美孚DTE32抗磨液压油    

Mobil DTE™ FM Series

Food Machinery Lubricants

Product Description
Mobil DTE™ FM Series oils are high performance lubricants designed to satisfy a wide range of multi-use equipment requirements for the food processing and packaging industry. These lubricants are qualified as NSF H1 type lubricants and also comply with Title 21 CFR 178.3570 by the Food and Drug Administration (USA) for lubricants with incidental food contact. The lubricants are tasteless, odourless, premium quality lubricants formulated with non-toxic NSF/FDA food grade additives and base oils. The additive system provides good wear protection, excellent oxidation stability and protection against rust. They provide good system cleanliness, long oil/filter life, and optimum equipment protection. The Mobil DTE FM Series oils are excellent gear, bearing and circulating oils. They are also suitable for handling the critical requirements of hydraulic system components such as close clearance servo-valves and the high accuracy numerically controlLED (NC) machine tools. These products meet the most rigorous performance requirements of a wide range of system and component manufacturers using various multi-metallurgy designs allowing a single product with outstanding performance characteristics.

The Mobil DTE FM Series oils have high ratings in the FZG Gear Test demonstrating their excellent protection against wear and scuffing. This allows their use in systems other than hydraulics that may contain gears and bearings. The naturally high viscosity index of the base oils ensures outstanding performance over a wide temperature range.

Features and Benefits
Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Non-Toxic Formulation Allows use in food packaging and processing APPlications
Very Good Anti-wear Properties Reduces wear
Extends equipment life
Excellent Oxidation Stability Provides long oil and equipment life
Extends filter life
High Level Corrosion Protection Prevents internal hydraulic system corrosion
Reduces negative effects of moisture in systems
Provides corrosion protection of multi-metallurgy component designs
Meets a Wide Range of equipment requirements Multi-service applications - One product can replace several
Minimises inventory requirements
Reduced potential for product misapplication
Excellent Air SePARation Characteristics Reduces foaming and it\'s negative effects
Very Good Water Separation Properties Protects systems where small quantities of moisture are present
Readily separates larger quantities of water

•Suitable for multi-service applications in the lubrication of machinery used in all food processing industries, fish processing and met packing plants
•Excellent gear, bearing, circulating system and hydraulic oils
•Compressors and vacuum pumps handling air and inert gasses
•Air line lubricators
•Systems requiring a high degree of load-carrying capability and anti-wear protection
•Machines employing a wide range of components using various metallurgy

Specifications and APPRovals

Mobil DTE FM Series meets or exceeds the requirements of: Mobil DTE FM 32 Mobil DTE FM 46 Mobil DTE FM 68
FDA 21 CFR 178.3570 X X X

Mobil DTE FM Series is registered to the requirement of: Mobil DTE FM 32 Mobil DTE FM 46 Mobil DTE FM 68
NSF Registration Number 130662 123225 123227

Typical Properties

Mobil DTE FM 32 Mobil DTE FM 46 Mobil DTE FM 68
ISO Grade 32 46 68
Viscosity, ASTM D 445
cSt @ 40º C 31.9 45.5 68.5
cSt @ 100º C 5.5 6.8 8.7
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 106 105 101
Specific Gravity @ 15.6º C/15.6º C, ASTM D 4.52 0.862 0.868 0.873
Copper Strip Corrosion, ASTM D 130 1A 1A 1A
Rust Characteristics Proc. A, ASTM D 665 Pass Pass Pass
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -12 -9 -12
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 212 226 228
FZG, DIN 51354, Fail Stage 11 12+ 12+
4-Ball wear, ASTM D 4172, Scar Dia, 20Kg, 54º C, 1800 rpm, 1 hr, mm 0.25 0.25 0.25

Health and Safety
Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the applications referred to above and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS\'s are available upon request through your sales contact office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than the applications referred to above. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.



商机面向地区: 福建 厦门 发布日期: 2013年8月9日
供求信息分类: 能源/环保 石油及制品
商机联系人: 赖先生
供求电话: 13666029020
QQ: 2240749283
销售信息: 供应 蚌埠美孚润滑油美孚SHC循环油    

Mobil SHC 600 Series

Supreme Performance Gear and Bearing Oils

Product Description
Mobil SHC 600 Series lubricants are supreme performance gear and bearing oils designed to provide outstanding service in terms of equipment protection, oil life and problem-free operation enabling increased customer productivity. These scientifically engineered oils are formulated from base fluids with an inherently high viscosity index and a unique, proprietary, additive system which enables these products to provide outstanding performance in extreme service APPlications at high and low temperatures, well beyond the capabilities of mineral oils. These products are reSIStant to mechanical shear, even in heavily loaded gear and high shear bearing applications, so that there is virtually no loss of viscosity.

The Mobil SHC 600 Series products have low traction coefficients, which derive from the molecular structure of the base stocks used. This results in low fluid friction in the load zone of non-conforming surfaces such as gears and rolling contact bearings. Low fluid friction produces lower operating temperatures and improved gear efficiency, which translates into reduced power consumption. It also results in extended PARts life and allows for more economical equipment design. The base oils used in the Mobil SHC 600 Series have outstanding response to antioxidant additives resulting in sUPErior resistance to oxidation and sludging, especially at high temperatures. The additive combination used in these oils also provides exceptional resistance to rusting and corrosion, very good antiwear, demulsibility, foam control and air release properties, as well as multimetal compatibility. The Mobil SHC 600 Series oils are also compatible with the same seal and other construction materials used in equipment normally lubricated with mineral oils.

The leading edge technology on which Mobil SHC 600 Series lubricants have always been based has made these the products of choice for operators of a wide range of equipment, worldwide. While initially recognized as a high temperature problem solver, these products are now used in many industrial applications because of the range of benefits they offer.

Features and Benefits
The Mobil SHC brand of lubricants are recognized and aPPReciated around the world for their innovation and outstanding performance. These molecular designed synthetic products, pioneered by our research scientists, symbolize the continuing commitment to using advanced technology to provide outstanding lubricant products. A key factor in the development of Mobil SHC 600 Series were the close contacts between our scientists and application specialists with key OEMs to ensure that our product offerings will provide exceptional performance in the continually evolving industrial equipment designs.

Our work with equipment builders has helped confirm the results from our own laboratory tests showing the exceptional performance of the Mobil SHC 600 Series lubricants. Not least among the benefits, shown in work with OEMs, is the potential for significant efficiency improvements in changing from mineral oil. These benefits are particularly evident in equipment which, by design, cannot avoid low overall efficiency, such as high ratio worm gears.

To combat high thermal exposure of the oil, our product formulation scientists chose select base oils for Mobil SHC 600 Series oils because of their exceptional thermal/oxidative resistance potential. Our formulators chose specific additives which would maximize the benefits of the base oils to provide excellent oil life and deposit control and resistance to thermal/oxidative and chemical degradation. This formulation approach provides low temperature fluidity characteristics unmatched by mineral products and is a key benefit for remote, low ambient temperature applications. The Mobil SHC 600 Series oils offer the following features and potential benefits:

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Superb high temperature thermal/oxidation resistance Extends equipment high temperature operating capability
Long oil life, reduced need and costs for oil change outs
Minimizes sludge and deposits for trouble-free operation and long filter life
High Viscosity Index and ABSence of wax Maintains viscosity and film thickness at high temperatures
Exceptional low temperature performance, including start-up
Low traction coefficient Reduces overall friction and can increase efficiency in sliding mechanisms such as gearing, with potential for reduced power consumption and lower steady-state operating temperatures.
Minimizes effects of micro slip in rolling contact bearings for longer rolling-element life potential
High load carrying capability Protects equipment and extends life; minimizes unexpected downtime and extends service periods
Balanced additive combination Provides excellent performance in terms of rust and corrosion prevention, water separability, foam control, air release performance ensuring problem-free operation in a wide range of industrial applications and reduced operating costs

While Mobil SHC 600 Series are compatible with mineral oil based products, admixture may detract from their performance. Consequently it is recommended that before changing a system to one of the Mobil SHC 600 Series, it should be thoroughly cleaned out and flushed to achieve the maximum performance benefits. The Mobil SHC 600 Series oils are compatible with the following seal materials: fluorocarbon, polyacrylate, polyurethane ether, some silicone, ethylene/acrylic, chlorinated polyethylene, polysulfide, and some nitrile rubbers. There is the potential for substantial variations in the elastomers being used today. For best results, consult your equipment supplier, seal manufacturer, or your local Mobil representative to verify compatibility.

Mobil SHC 600 Series lubricants are recommended for use in a wide variety of gear and bearing applications where high or low temperatures are encountered or where operating temperatures or bulk oil temperatures are such that conventional lubricants give unsatisfactory life, or where improved efficiency is needed. They are particularly effective in applications where the maintenance costs of component replacement, system cleaning and lubricant changes are high. Specific applications include:

•FilLED for life gearboxes, especially high ratio/ low-efficiency worm gears
•Remotely located gearboxes, where oil change-out is difficult
•Low temperature applications, such as ski lifts where seasonal oil changes can be avoided
•Mixer roll bearings and roll neck bearings where high temperatures are encountered
•Plastic calendars
•Severe centrifuge applications, including marine centrifuges
•Railroad A/C Traction Drives
•Mobil SHC 625*, 627, 629 and 630 are suitable for Oil Flooded Rotary Screw Compressors compressing natural gas, field gas gathering, CO2 and other process gasses used in the natural gas industry
Specifications and Approvals

Mobil SHC 600 Series has the following builder approvals: 624 625 626 627 629 630 632 634 636 639
FLENDER BA 7300 table A X X
FLENDER BA 7300 table A and C X X X

Typical Properties

Mobil SHC 600 Series 624 625 (1) 626 627 629 630 632 634 636 639
ISO Viscosity Grade 32 46 68 100 150 220 320 460 680 1000
Viscosity, ASTM D 445
cSt @ 40º C 31.0 46.0 66.0 97.0 149 222 320 454 652 968
cSt @ 100º C 5.8 7.7 10.3 13.7 19.0 25.7 35.0 46.5 61.2 78.5
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 133 136 144 144 144 147 154 161 163 159
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -51 -48 -48 -45 -45 -42 -40 -40 -39 -33
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 237 242 231 228 235 240 236 234 240 235
Specific Gravity, ASTM D 4052, 15º C/15º C 0.85 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87
Appearance, visual Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange
TOST, ASTM D 943, Hours to 2 NN 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+
RBOT, ASTM D 2272, min. 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750
Rust protection, ASTM D665, Sea Water Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Water Seperability, ASTM D 1401,Min. to 37 ml water @ 54º C 20 20 20 - - - - - - -
Water Seperability, ASTM D 1401,Min. to 37 ml water @ 82º C - - - 15 15 15 25 25 30 40
Copper Corrosion, ASTM D130, 24 hrs @ 121º C 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
Foam Test, ASTM D 892, Seq I,II,IIITendency / Stability, ml/ml 0/0, 20/0, 0/0 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 0/0, 0/0, 0/0 0/0, 0/0,0/0 0/0, 0/0,0/0 0/0, 0/0,0/0 0/0,0/0,0/0 0/0, 20/0,0/0 0/0,0/0,0/0 0/0, 0/0, 0/0
FZG scuffing test, DIN 51534 (mod), A/16.6/90, Failure Stage 10 11 11 13 13 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+
(1) 625 is available only in the USA

Health and Safety
Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS\'s are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.


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