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GDS-50双通道版时间检定仪标准装置是一最新用的时间检定仪,供各级计量部门,工厂,院校及科研单位检定各种秒表、毫秒仪,机械秒表等,性能符合检定规程的要求。 技术指标: 1、 检定电子秒表和机械秒表: 在1-99999秒内可任意置数 准确度±(2*10-7*输出时段)秒±0.003秒 2、 检定电子毫秒仪(正负两组输出) 在1-99999秒内可任意置数,最小输出100微秒 准确度±(2*10-7*输出时段)秒±0.003秒 3、 检定电秒表(适合新规程JJG237-95) 在1-99999秒内可 任意置数 指针式准确度:电同步<±0.6毫秒 数字式准确度:±(2*10-7*输出时段)秒±0.006秒 Introduction The calibrator is a precision instrument calibrating mechanical stopwatch, electronic stopwatch, and 405/407/408/415/417 type pointer electric stopwatch. The SF2001 stopwatch calibrator is compliant with the stopwatch calibration procedure JJG 237-2010 issued by the National Metrological Bureau. It could be used at metrological department at all levels, factory, institutions and all research institutes to calibrate electric stopwatch (405,407,408,415/417), mechanical stopwatch and digital quartz electronic stopwatch. The instrument is fully digitally controlled, high reliability,high accuracy, complete functions, convenient operation, and strong anti-interfere ability. GDS-50 stopwatch calibrator and its accessories: 1)GDS-50 stopwatch calibrator 1 piece 2) Three-core power cord 1 piece 3) Dual banana plug test lead 2 pieces 4) BNC-banana test lead 1 piece 5) Soft copy of User’s Guide 1 piece Main Parameter 1.1 Crystal Oscillator Nominal frequency: 10MHz Daily aging rate: ≤5×10 -9 /day Second stability: ≤5×10 -10 /s Accuracy: ≤1×10 -7 Warming-up time: over 2 hours 1.2 Calibrate mechanical stopwatch and electronic stopwatch (T0 is inputted calibration period of time) Input range: T 0 :1s-99999s Accuracy: better than ±(1×10 -7 ×T 0 +3ms) 1.3 Calibrate electric stopwatch Pointer: Input range: Continuous: T 0 :0.1s-99999s Trigger state: T 0 :1s-99999s Pause state: T 0 :0.1s-99999s Accuracy: better than ±(commercial power frequency accuracy×T 0 +0.6ms) 1.4 Calibrate millisecond counter and digital electric stopwatch Input range: T 0 :1×10 2 μs-1×10 9 μs Accuracy: better than ±(1×10 -7 ×T 0 +3μs) The SF2001 calibrator is fully compliant with the mechanical stopwatch and digital quartz stopwatch calibration procedure, electric stopwatch calibration procedure, and electronic millisecond counter calibration procedure, issued by the National Metrological Bureau. 2.1 Working conditions Voltage: 220(1±10%)V; Frequency: 50(1±5%)Hz; Power consumption: