保偏法拉第旋转镜 Specifications Parameter Unit Value Center Wavelength nm 1064 1310 1550 Operating Wavelength Range nm ±5 ±15 Typ. Insertion Loss dB 2.5 0.40 Insertion Loss dB ≤3.0 ≤0.60 Faraday Rotation Angle (Single Pass) Degree 45 45 Rotation Angle Tolerance @ 23°C Degree ≤±1 ≤±3 Typ. Extinction Ratio@ 23°C dB 22 22 Extinction Ratio@ 23°C dB ≥20 ≥20 Fiber Type - PM980 PM1310 PM1550 Return loss dB ≥50 Power handling mW ≤150 ≤500 Operating temperature °C -5~+50 -5~+70 Storage temperature °C -40 ~+85 Package Dimensions mm Φ5.5±0.2xL35±1 (P1), Φ4.5±0.2xL25±1 (P2), Φ3.2±0.1xL12±1 (P3) *For device with connector, IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower, and ER will be 2dB lower. *The default connector key is aligned to slow axis. 高消光比保偏法拉第旋转镜 Specifications Parameter Unit Value Center Wavelength nm 1064 1310 1550 Operating Wavelength Range nm ±5 ±15 Typ. Insertion Loss dB 2.5 0.40 Insertion Loss dB ≤3.0 ≤0.60 Faraday Rotation Angle (Single Pass) Degree 45 45 Rotation Angle Tolerance @ 23°C Degree ≤±1 ≤±3 Typ. Extinction Ratio@ 23°C dB 30 30 Extinction Ratio@ 23°C dB ≥28 ≥28 Fiber Type - PM980 PM1310 PM1550 Return loss dB ≥50 Power handling mW ≤150 ≤500 Operating temperature °C -5~+50 -5~+70 Storage temperature °C -40 ~+85 Package Dimensions mm Φ5.5±0.2xL35±1 (P1), Φ4.5±0.2xL25±1 (P2), Φ3.2±0.1xL12±1 (P3) *For device with connector, IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower, and ER will be 2dB lower. *The default connector key is aligned to slow axis.