奕星包装镀铝膜气泡袋简介 专业生产镀铝膜气泡袋。外层为镀铝膜(多种顏色),表面光滑平整,可在不侵犯他人知识产权的情况下,根据客户要求印刷不同图案、商标及文字;内衬气泡膜,具缓冲防震作用,防止物品因压,碰,跌落而损坏;袋子美观大方,外层镀铝膜颜色可根据客户要求定制;信封口自粘条设计,安全便捷;推荐使用范围:邮寄光盘碟片、磁带、电子元件、集成电路板、光学镜头、书籍、相 框、礼 品、钟表…等物品。 【东莞市奕星包装制品有限公司】专业生产定做镀铝膜汽泡信封袋。您需要的镀铝膜气泡信封袋有10多种种赏心悦目的颜色供您选择,规格任您定做,价格在0.1元至10元不等。如果您还不太解此产品,我们能免费向您提供样品。我公司具备完善的业务团队,能第一时间准确为您提供报价。常规的包装方法通常都使用pe袋作为内包装,再使用纸盒外包,我们的产品能作为内外结合,一次性终结二次包装,真正意义上革命性产品,能节省50%成本。现在的货物包装都在用,您还在等什么? [Dongguan City Yixing Packing Products Co., Ltd.] specializing in the production of customized aluminized film bubble envelope. You need the aluminized filmbubble envelope has 10 kinds of kind of pleasing colors for your choice,specifications for you to make to order, the price of 0.1 yuan to 10 yuan. If you are not too solution of this product, we can provide you with free samples. Our company has perfect service team, can provide you the first time accurate quotation. Conventional packing method usually use PE bag as the inner packaging, and then use the carton outsourcing, our products can be used as acombination of both internal and external, one-time end two packaging, truly revolutionary product, can save 50% of the cost of. Now the package of the goods are in use, what are you waiting for