供求信息描述: |
◆产品特点 Product features 1. 设计新颖、操作方便; 2. 加工效能好,能源消耗低; 3. 自动回砂,旋风分离器能将尘砂有效分离,降低磨料消耗;本机采用自动除尘系统; 4. 主要部件采用优质进口件,使用寿命长。 1. Novel design, easy operation; 2. Good processing efficiency, low energy consumption; 3. Automatic back to SANd, cyclone sePARator can separate sand, reduce the abrasive consumption; This machine adopts automatic dust removal system; 4. The main components uses the high quality import parts, long service life. ◆适用范围 APPlicable scope 电镀、喷涂前处理,提高附着力;各类模具、铸造件、金属、非金属表面的热处理、去氧化皮、去残渣、除锈、除油、旧件翻新;所有陶瓷制品、玻璃制品、塑胶制品光饰等效果! Electroplating, spraying process, improve adhesion; All kinds of mould, casting parts, metal, nonmetal surface heat treatment, to oxide skin, to residue, rust, oil, refurbished; All ceramic products, glass products, plastic products, light act the effect! |