元佐電子系AUK、KODENSHI、Opto全系列產品(IC、MOS、LED、光电光耦传感器、二三极管等)中國大陸區唯一的原廠代理商! R94FV1A R24FV1A R54FV1A 1. APPlication This Specification is applied to inspection and aPPRoval of the IR Receiver Module for color TV, DVD, air conditioner and audio equipment 2. Description The Series are miniaturized receiver for infrared remote control system. The Pin Photodiode and preamplifier are assembled on lead frame. The epoxy package is designed as IR filter The module has excellent performance even in disturbed ambient light application and provides protection against uncontrolled ouTPUt pulses 3. Features 1) High ripple rejection 2) Wide operating supply voltage 2.7V ~ 6.0V 3) Supply current : 3.3V(0.9mA), 5.0V(1.0mA) 4) Band pass filter center frequency : 37.9kHz 5) Epoxy IR filter characteristic : 940nm 6) Maximum interference safety against optical and electrical disturbance 7) Internal filter for a high frequency lighting fluorescent lamp. 8) Internal Pull-Up output. : 40kΩ 4. ABSolute Maximum Ratings 1) Supply voltage : 7.0V 2) Supply current : 3.0mA 3) Operating temperature : -25℃ ~ +85℃ 4) Storage temperature : -40℃ ~ +125℃ 5. Cautions 1) Store and use where there is no force causing transformation or change in quality. 2) Store and use where there is no extreme humidity. 3) In order to prevent damage from static electricity, make sure that the human body and the soldering iron are connected to ground before using. 4) The ripple noise from power supply lines may shorten detecting distance of IR Receiver Module. Thus, in order to ensure more reliable operating please add RC filter (R=100Ω, C=47㎌) between Vcc and GND 5) When a disturbance signal is applied to the Series, it can still receive the data signal. However, the sensitivity is reduced to the level that no unexpected pulses will occur. Some examples of such disturbance signals which can be suppressed by the Series. ① DC light. (ex. From tungsten lamp or sunlight) ② Continuous signal at center frequency or any other frequency. ③ Signals from fluorescent lamps with electronic ballast with high or low modulation. 详细参数见网站规格书WWW.YOZO.HK