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企业地址: 厦门市海沧区滨湖一里5号2002室(天湖城一号楼五号梯) 企业邮编: 361026
联系电话: 13950075015 所属行业: 机械设备
公司传真: 0592-5538633 公司所在地: 福建 厦门市
公司网站: 企业类型: 个体/私人
电子邮件: 联系人: 陈界成
企业全称: 厦门斯维尔进出口有限公司 QQ: 947474761
企业简介: 厦门市斯维尔进出口有限公司是一家服务于工业领域设备及备品配件的高科技公司,致力于为工业控制、工业自动化领域提供世界一流的产品和服务。


商机面向地区: 福建 厦门市 发布日期: 2013年10月21日
供求信息分类: 商业服务 其它
商机联系人: 陈先生
供求电话: 13950075015
QQ: 947474761
销售信息: 供应 TAIYO磁性开关JR101    


详细信息: TAIYO磁性开关JR101 厦门市斯维尔进出口有限公司

Switch List

Type Switch Code Cord Length Wiring Method Indicating Lamp Load Votage Range Load Current Range Max. Open/Close Capacity Protective Circuit
Contact AF AX101 1.5m Rear Wiring 2-Cores LED
(Red light lights up during ON) DC : 5 to 30V
AC : 5 to 120V DC : 5 to 40mA
AC : 5 to 20mA DC : 1.5W
AC : 2VA None
AG AX105 5m
AH AX111 1.5m Present
AJ AX115 5m
AE AX125 5m None DC : 30V or under
AC : 120V or under DC : 40mA or under
AC : 20mA or under None
AK AX11A 0.5m 4-pin Connector, Rear Wiring LED
(Red light lights up during ON) AC : 5 to 120V 5 to 20mA 2VA Present
AL AX11B 0.5m DC : 5 to 30V 5 to 40mA 1.5W
S SR405 5m Rear Wiring 2-Cores Neon Lamp(Light lights up during OFF) AC : 80 to 220V 2 to 300mA 30VA Present
Type Switch Code Cord Length Wiring Method Indicating Lamp Load Votage Range Load Current Range Max. Open/Close Capacity Protective Circuit
Noncontact BE AX201 1.5m Rear Wiring 2-Cores LED
(Red light lights up during ON) AC : 5 to 30V 5 to 40mA - Present
BF AX205 5m
CE AX211 1.5m LED(2-lamp type in red/green)
CF AX215 5m
Type Switch Code Cord Length Wiring Method Indicating Lamp Load Votage Range Load Current Range Max. Open/Close Capacity Protective Circuit
Noncontact(CE Conformed) CT AX211CE 1.5m Rear Wiring 2-Cores LED(2-lamp type in red/green) DC : 5 to 30V 5 to 40mA - Present
CU AX215CE 5m
CV AX21BCE 0.5m 4-pin Connector, Rear Wiring
CW AZ211CE 1.5m Upper Wiring 2-Cores LED(2-lamp type in red/green) DC : 5 to 30V 5 to 40mA - Present
CX AZ215CE 5m
CY AZ21BCE 0.5m 4-pin Connector, Upper Wiring
Note1) For the switches without a protective circuit, be sure to provide the protective circuit (SK-100) with load devices when using induction load devices(relay,etc.).
Note2) Please refer to the switch specifications about the details of each switches.
Note3) When using switches by a series connection, we recommend you to use AND unit (AU series).
Note4) We prePARe also the CE mark conformity item.

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