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企业地址: 企业邮编:
联系电话: 所属行业: 机械设备
公司传真: 公司所在地: 河南 巩义市
公司网站: 企业类型: 事业单位
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企业全称: 郑州市恒昌机械制造有限公司 QQ:
企业简介: 未填写


商机面向地区: 河南 巩义市 发布日期: 2013年2月28日
供求信息分类: 工业用品 工业设备
商机联系人: 康先生
供求电话: 13703924946
QQ: 469684553
销售信息: 供应 恒昌加气块设备-切割机    

Products have become well known autoclaved aerated concrete equipment production to China to promote a new type of environmentally friendly wall building material equipment, building materials, Zhengzhou Hengchang Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional engaged in the research and production of autoclaved aerated concrete equipment production linemanufacturers, with rich production experience. Can provide customers with the technical suPPOrt of the process design, the ratio of raw materials. The following Hengchang introduced under aerated concrete equipment by which PARts constitute the most valued customers.
The first is the raw material pretreatment equipment: crushers plus aerated concrete equipment, bulk materials, such as lime, gypsum crushing, the materials must be APProved by grinding to a better reaction. Grinding using a ball mill. Second the raw metering equipment: the raw measurement commonly used is the measurement of tank measurement paste. Metering prepared slurry autoclaved aerated concrete equipment production process requirements to reach more accurate rated the number and nominal concentration. The specific process parameters to meet the needs of local production process prEVAil. Then agitated casting equipment: The main mixer, both mixing equipment, slurry casting equipment. Mainly used for a variety of mixing powdered materials. Next is a key part of autoclaved aerated concrete equipment cutting machine: aerated block device products formed after pouring gas evolution body. Because the preform volume is large, to achieve the deSIRed product size, it must be cutting. Then hydration reaction autoclave aerated concrete equipment product key physical properties. The safety of its operations using relational production and energy utilization. Boiler thermal facilities to provide heat for autoclave and pre raising. Finally, autoclaved aerated concrete equipment auxiliary: the pouring of these devices with analog-to-box, backplane, mold car mold. The main role is in line with the molding products. These auxiliary equipment is to and the autoclave curing systems must be equipped with. These product knowLEDge to make in

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供应 蒸压砖设备/加气块设备/免烧砖机工业用品 工业设备河南 巩义市2013年2月5日
供应 恒昌加气混凝土设备-地翻切割机工业用品 工业设备河南 巩义市2013年2月1日
供应 供应加气混凝土砌块设备-计量罐工业用品 机械设计加工河南 巩义市2013年1月31日
供应 蒸压加气混凝土砌块设备,加气混凝土设备建筑/装潢 工具设备河南 巩义市2013年1月30日
供应 混凝土加气块,蒸压加气混凝土砌块设备建筑/装潢 工具设备河南 巩义市2013年1月27日
供应 供应加气混凝土砌块设备-地翻切割机工业用品 切割设备河南 巩义市2013年1月26日
供应 粉煤灰加气块设备,加气砌块,混凝土加气块工业用品 工业设备河南 巩义市2013年1月23日
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