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企业地址: 雁塔区吉祥路233号金花苑1号楼四单元1201室 企业邮编: 710065
联系电话: 029-820928888-02 所属行业: 通信/仪表
公司传真: 029-82098288 公司所在地: 陕西 西安
公司网站: 企业类型: 个体/私人
电子邮件: 联系人: 李达
企业全称: 陕西凌丰泰电子科技有限公司 QQ: 1692985137
企业简介: 陕西凌丰泰电子科技有限公司是西北地区一家集科研项目与代理经销世界知名厂家半导体器件厂商,公司具有非常强的研发能力和销售能力,在注重吸纳和引进国际新技术的同时,并和一些高等院校和研究单位达成合作关系,共同开发新型产品和产品升级,使产品和技术保持着国内及世界领先地位。

抗辐射 V 类浮点数字信号处理器

商机面向地区: 不限 发布日期: 2013年1月6日
供求信息分类: 电子/仪表 电子元件/组件
商机联系人: 李达
供求电话: 13519168102
QQ: 1692985137
销售信息: 供应 抗辐射 V 类浮点数字信号处理器    

The SMJ320C67x DSPs are the floating-point DSP family in the SMJ320C6000 platform. The SMJ320C6701 (’C6701) device is based on the high-performance, advanced VelociTI™ very-long-instruction-word (VLIW) architecture developed by Texas Instruments (TI), making this DSP an excellent choice for multichannel and multifunction APPlications. With performance of up to 1 giga floating-point operations per second (GFLOPS) at a clock rate of 140 MHz, the ’C6701 offers cost-effective solutions to high-performance DSP programming challenges. The ’C6701 DSP possesses the operational flexibility of high-speed controllers and the numerical capability of array processors. This processor has 32 general-purpose registers of 32-bit word length and eight highly independent functional units. The eight functional units provide four floating-/fixed-point ALUs, two fixed-point ALUs, and two floating-/fixed-point multipliers. The ’C6701 can produce two multiply-accumulates (MACs) per cycle for a total of 334 million MACs per second (MMACS). The ’C6701 DSP also has application-specific hardware logic, on-chip memory, and additional on-chip peripherals.

The ’C6701 includes a large bank of on-chip memory and has a powerful and diverse set of peripherals. Program memory conSISts of a 64K-byte block that is user-configurable as cache or memory-mapped program space. Data memory consists of two 32K-byte blocks of RAM. The peripheral set includes two multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs), two general-purpose timers, a host-port interface (HPI), and a glueless external memory interface (EMIF) capable of interfacing to SDRAM or SBSRAM and asynchronous peripherals.

The ’C6701 has a complete set of development tools that includes a new C compiler, an assembly optimizer to simplify programming and scheduling, and a Windows™ debugger interface for visibility into source code execution.


Rad-Tolerant: 100-kRad (Si) TID
SEL Immune at 89MeV-cm2/mg LET Ions
QML-V Qualified, SMD 5962-98661
Highest-Performance Floating-Point Digital
Signal Processor (DSP) SMJ320C6701
7-ns Instruction Cycle Time
140-MHz Clock Rate
Eight 32-Bit Instructions/Cycle
Up to One GFLOPS Performance
Pin Compatible With ’C6201 Fixed-Point
SMJ: QML Processing to MIL-PRF-38535
SM: Standard Processing
Operating Temperature Ranges
–55°C to 115°C
–55°C to 125°C
VelociTI™ Advanced Very Long Instruction
Word (VLIW) ’C67x CPU Core
Eight Highly Independent Functional Units:
Four ALUs (Floating and Fixed Point)
Two ALUs (Fixed Point)
Two Multipliers (Floating and Fixed Point)
Load-Store Architecture With 32
32-Bit General-Purpose Registers
Instruction Packing Reduces Code Size
All Instructions Conditional
Instruction Set Features
Hardware SuPPOrt for IEEE
Single-Precision Instructions
Hardware Support for IEEE
Double-Precision Instructions
Byte Addressable (8-/16-/32-Bit Data)
32-Bit Address Range
8-Bit Overflow Protection
Bit-Field Extract, Set, Clear
Bit Counting
1M-Bit On-Chip SRAM
512K-Bit Internal Program/Cache
(16K 32-Bit Instructions)
512K-Bit Dual-Access Internal Data
(64K Bytes)
32-Bit External Memory Interface (EMIF)
Glueless Interface to Synchronous
Memories: SDRAM and SBSRAM
Glueless Interface to Asynchronous
Memories: SRAM and EPROM
Four-Channel Bootloading
Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller
With Auxiliary Channel
16-Bit Host-Port Interface (HPI)
Access to Entire Memory Map
Two Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports
Direct Interface to T1/E1, MVIP, SCSA
ST Bus Switching Compatible
Up to 256 Channels Each
AC97 Compatible
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
Compatible (Motorola™)
Two 32-Bit General-Purpose Timers
Flexible Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Clock
IEEE Std 1149.1 (JTAG(1))
Boundary Scan Compatible
429-Pin Ceramic Ball Grid Array (CBGA/GLP)
and Ceramic Land Grid Array (CLGA/ZMB)
Package TyPES
0.18-µm/5-Level Metal Process
CMOS Technology
3.3-V I/Os, 1.9 V Internal

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