Multilayer chip inductor- CL Serier 高频陶瓷积层电感 高频陶瓷积层电感 陶瓷高频积层电感 陶瓷超高频积层电感 高频陶瓷积层电感采购 高频陶瓷积层电感选型 积层电感 (CL 系列) -利用积层迭绕方式生产,具有大量生产符合经济效益且微小型化之特色,可提供精度到±5%,完整的尺寸,包括0402、0603、0805。 :高频电子产品,移动设备(手机,PDA等),高频回路和电脑连接设备等的EMI中,网络设备,RF模块 产品特征: -陶瓷材料制成的结构,在高频装置中适用达10GHZ -良好的精度和极佳Q值 产品应用: -高频应用设备 -无线网和RF模块 -手机 -EMI(电磁干扰)在高频电路和电脑通信等 感值范围:0.3nH- 220nH ■Construction
■Features -A ceramic material construction for high frequency APPlication up to 10GHz -Tight tolerance physical dimensions(+/-0.05mm) -Tight inductance tolerance and excellent Qvalue -Available in three compact sizes of 0201,0402, 0603 ■Applications -High Frequency Application -Cellular Phone -EMI Countermeasure in High Frequency Circuits and Computer Communication etc. -WLAN and RF module ① Ceramic Material ③ Inner Electrode(Ag) ⑤ Direction Mark ② Through Hole ④ End-termination (Ag/Ni/Sn) ■Dimensions Type Size (Inch) L W T A (min./max.) Weight (g) 1000pcs) CL01 0201 0.6±0.03 0.3±0.03 0.33max. 0.1/0.2 0.28 CL02 0402 1.0±0.10 0.5±0.10 0.5±0.10 0.1/0.3 0.98 CL03 0603 1.6±0.15 0.8±0.15 0.8±0.15 0.2/0.3 3.47 ■PARt Numbering CL 02 J T 10N Product Type Dimensions 01:0201 02:0402 03:0603 Inductance Tolerance J:±5% K:±10% S:±0.3nH Packaging Code T:Taping Reel Inductance 1N0:1.0nH 39N:39nH R10:100nH ■Electrical Specifications CL01 Multilayer Chip Inductors Type Inductance (nH) Tolerance Quality Factor min. L/Q Freq. (MHz) Q (Typical) Freq. (MHz) SRF (GHz) min. DCR (Ω) max. IDC (mA) max. 100 500 800 0.3 ±0.3nH 4 100 5 13 18 10 0.07 250 0.4 ±0.3nH 4 100 5 13 18 10 0.07 250 0.5 ±0.3nH 4 100 5 13 18 10 0.08 250 0.6 ±0.3nH 4 100 5 13 18 10 0.08 250 0.7 ±0.3nH 4 100 5 13 18 10 0.09 250 0.8 ±0.3nH 4 100 5 13 18 10 0.10 250 0.9 ±0.3nH 4 100 5 13 18 10 0.10 250 1 ±0.3nH 4 100 5 15 19 10 0.14 250 1.1 ±0.3nH 4 100 5 15 19 10 0.14 250 1.2 ±0.3nH 4 100 6 15 20 10 0.14 250 1.3 ±0.3nH 4 100 6 15 20 10 0.14 250 1.5 ±0.3nH 4 100 6 15 20 10 0.18 230 1.6 ±0.3nH 4 100 6 15 20 10 0.18 230 1.8 ±0.3nH 4 100 6 15 20 10 0.19 200 2 ±0.3nH 4 100 6 15 20 8.8 0.20 200 2.2 ±0.3nH 4 100 6 15 20 8.8 0.22 200 2.4 ±0.3nH 4 100 6 15 20 8.3 0.24 200 2.7 ±0.3nH 5 100 6 16 20 7.7 0.25 200 3 ±0.3nH 5 100 6 16 20 7.2 0.28 180 3.3 ±0.3nH 5 100 6 16 20 6.7 0.30 180 CL01 Multilayer Chip Inductors Type Inductance (nH) Tolerance Quality Factor min. L/Q Freq. (MHz) Q (Typical) Freq. (MHz) SRF (GHz) min. DCR (Ω) max. IDC (mA) max. 100 500 800 3.6 ±0.3nH 5 100 6 16 20 6.4 0.30 170 3.9 ±0.3nH 5 100 7 16 20 6.0 0.30 170 4.3 ±0.3nH 5 100 7 16 20 5.7 0.40 150 4.7 ±0.3nH 5 100 7 16 20 5.3 0.40 150 5.1 ±0.3nH 5 100 7 16 20 5.0 0.40 150 5.6 ±0.3nH 5 100 7 16 20 4.2 0.40 150 6.2 ±5% 5 100 7 16 20 3.8 0.44 150 6.8 ±5% 5 100 7 16 20 3.5 0.50 150 7.5 ±5% 5 100 7 15 20 3.3 0.53 150 8.2 ±5% 5 100 7 15 20 3.2 0.55 150 9.1 ±5% 5 100 7 15 20 3.0 0.62 150 10 ±5% 5 100 7 15 19 2.8 0.65 150 12 ±5% 5 100 7 14 18 2.4 0.70 100 15 ±5% 5 100 7 14 18 2.2 0.80 100 18 ±5% 5 100 7 14 18 2.1 0.90 100 22 ±5% 5 100 7 14 18 1.8 1.20 100 27 ±5% 4 100 6 13 16 1.8 1.80 50 33 ±5% 4 100 6 12 14 1.7 2.10 50 39 ±5% 4 100 6 12 14 1.5 2.40 50 47 ±5% 4 100 6 11 13 1.3 2.80 50 56 ±5% 4 100 6 11 12 1.1 3.00 50 |