供求信息描述: |
Plastic Scintillators Eljen Technology Commercial Equivalent Description NE St. Gobain EJ-200 Pilot F BC-408 Best overall general propertiesGamma coefficient .pdf EJ-204 NE-104 BC-404 Good gen'l. properties, use with green WLS EJ-208 NE-110 BC-412 Good gen'l. properties, high attenuation length EJ-208B N/A BC-416 Good overall general properties EJ-212 NE-102A BC-400 Good gen'l. properties, thin films EJ-228 Pilot U BC-418 Very fast timing or high pulse pair resolution(for small sizes to minimize photon scattering effects) EJ-230 Pilot U2 BC-420 Like EJ-228, used for detectors exceeding 10cm EJ-232 NE-111A BC-422 Very fast timing, use with blue WLS EJ-240 NE-115 BC-444 Long decay time EJ-244 N/A BC-440 ElEVAted Temperature EJ-248 N/A BC-448 High temperature, general properties EJ-252 NE-105 BC-470 Dosimetry, Water equivalent EJ-260 NE-103 BC-428 Green Emitting Scintillator Liquid Scintillators Eljen Technology Commercial Equivalent Description NE St. Gobain EJ-301 NE-213 BC-501A PSD Liquid, Fast n-g discriminationResponse of EJ-301 .pdf EJ-305 NE-224 BC-505 High Light OuTPUt, Fast n, g, cosmics EJ-309 N/A N/A PSD Liquid, Fast neutron-gamma discrimination, High FlashPoint, Low Chemical Toxicity, compatibility with acrylic plastics. EJ-313 NE-226 BC-509 Hydrogen-free, neutron studies EJ-315 NE-230 BC-537 Deuterated benzene, Neutron studies EJ-321L NE-235L BC-517L Mineral oil based, Large tanks, cosmics EJ-321H NE-235H BC-517H Mineral oil based, higher light output EJ-325 NE-235C BC-519 Mineral Oil based, PSD, Fast n-g discrim. Loaded Scintillators Eljen Technology Commercial Equivalent Description NE St. Gobain EJ-254 BC-454 Boron Loaded EJ-256 NE-142 BC-452 Lead Loaded, (≤5% standard), X-rays, Dosimetry EJ-331 NE-323 BC-521 Highest light output Gd loaded, Neutron spectrometry, Neutrinos EJ-335 BC-525 Mineral oil base,Gd loaded for large tanks, Neutron spectrometry, Neutrinos EJ-339A NE-321A BC-523A 10B loaded, Pulse shape discrimination, Neutron spectrometry, Thermal neutrons EJ-351 NE-220 BC-220 Dioxane based cocktail for Aquaous samples Paints (Scintillator, Wave Shifting, and Reflective) Eljen Technology Commercial Equivalent Description NE St. Gobain EJ-296 N/A N/A Scintillator Paint for Plastics, etc. EJ-298 A-B N/A N/A Waveshifting PaintsEJ-298 A Spectrum | EJ-298 B Spectrum EJ-510 NE-560 BC-620 Reflector Paint for Plastics, etc. EJ-520 NE-561 BC-622A Reflector Paint for Liquids Neutron Detectors Product List #1 Eljen Technology Commercial Equivalent Description NE St. Gobain EJ-410 NE-451 BC-720 Fast Neutron Detector EJ-420 NE-422 BC-702 Thermal Neutron Detector EJ-422 N/A N/A Thermal Neutron Detector Wave Length Shifting Plastics Eljen Technology Commercial Equivalent Description NE St. Gobain EJ-280 N/A BC-482 Wave Length Shifter- Green EJ-284 N/A N/A Wave Length Shifter- Red Accessories Eljen Technology Commercial Equivalent Description NE St. Gobain EJ-500PARt A Part B NE-580 BC-600 Optical Cement |