产品描述: |
六偏磷酸钠(SHMP) Sodium Hexametaphosphate 分子式:(NaPO3)6 Molecular formula:(NaPO3)6 分子量:611.82 Molecular weight:611.82 特性:白色粉末,比重2.484(20℃),熔点616℃(分解)。易溶于水,不溶于有机溶液,吸湿性强,在空气中逐渐吸水而呈粘胶状,可与Ca,Ba,Mg,Cu,Fe等金属离子形成可溶性螯合物,是一种优良的水质处理剂。 Physical and Chemical property:It is white crystal powder. Specific gravity is 2.484 at 20℃. Melting point is 616℃. Soluble in water easily, but not in organic solvent; Strong hygroscopicity, glue-like while ABSorbing water in the air, combined with metal ions, such as Ca, Ba, Mg, Cu, Fe and so on to form soluble chelates. It is an excellent water treatment agent. 执行标准:工业级HG/T2519-2007;食品级HG/T2519-2007 Executive standard:tech grade HG/T2519-2007;food grade HG/T2519-2007 技术指标: Technical indexes: 序号S/N 指标名称 Specifications 工业级指标 Index for tech grade 食品级指标 Index for food grade 1 总磷酸盐(以P2O5计) 质量分数/ % total phosphate as P2O5 ≥68.0 ≥68.0 2 非活性磷P2O5质量分数/ % Inactive as P2O5 ≤7.5 ≤7.5 3 水不溶物质量分数/ % Insoluble ≤0.04 ≤0.06 4 铁Fe 质量分数/ % Fe ≤0.03 ≤0.02 5 PH值(10g/L) PH value 5.8-7.0 5.8-6.5 6 溶解性 Solubility 合格 Qualified —— 7 砷(As)的质量分数/ % As —— ≤0.0003 8 重金属(以Pb计)的质量分数/ % Pb —— ≤0.001 9 氟化物(以F计)的质量分数/ % F —— ≤0.003 10 外观 APPearance 白色粉末 white powder 白色粉末 white powder 用途:工业级主要用于油田、造纸、纺织、印染、石油、化工、皮革、冶金、建材等行业,作软水剂、缓冲剂、浮选剂、分散剂、高温结合剂。 食品级主要用作添加剂、营养剂、品质改良剂、PH值调整剂、金属离子螯合剂、沾合剂、膨胀剂。 Use:For tech grade, mainly used as water conditioner, buffer, floating agent, disperSANt, high temperature bonding agent in the industry of oil field, paper making, textile, printing and dyeing, PETroleum, chemicals, leather, metallurgy, building; For food grade, used as additives, Nutrition, quality improver, PH value adjustment agent, metal ion chelating agent, binder, expansion agent. 包装及贮存:内塑外编袋,两层内袋,每袋净重25kg或50kg,贮于通风干燥处。 Packaging and Storage:Plastic knit bag and two-tier inside. It is stored in ventilated and dry place. Net weight : 25Kg or 50 Kg. |