产品描述: | YJM-54/55高压电力设备非接触智能预警系统 产品简介: YJM-54/55高压电力设备非接触智能预警系统应用安装在大型机械上,用于作业车辆在高压线路下、变电站等复杂电场作业环境的安全防护,本产品适用于线路和变电站,支持220V-500KV电压等级。 产品适用范围: 高压电力设备非接触智能预警系统(以下简称:智能预警系统)是根据作业车辆在超越高压电力设备规定安全范围作业时在非接触状态下的一种智能预警系统。YJM-54/55应用于高压线路支持10KV、35KV、110KV、220KV、500KV,主要安装在需要在高压线路及变电站等复杂场所下工作的大型作业车辆、消防车、高空作车等车辆上,用于防止作业时与高压线路距离过近发生事故,保障作业人员、车辆安全,同时也广泛应用于电力线路防外破的应用上。 预警系统分为两个模块,即发送端及接收端,发送端安装在机械臂上部用于检测及发送报警信号,接收端安装在操作室内有人机界面用于控制和报警,发送端和接收端通过2.4G无线方式传输数据,无需特别布线同时可采用临时安装方案开箱即用,设备提供无源开关量接口可用于机械限动或驱动报警灯等设备。 相关参数: 1.支持电压10KV、35KV、110KV、220KV、500KV电压,可自设定报警距离应用于高压线路和变电站等复杂场所,并可工作在高压线路正下方,是目前针对国内应用场景专门设计的。 2.中文语音报警及人机接口操作简单方便。 3.报警声量:>80dB。 4.有无源开关量输出,可用于限动。 5.有动画学习视频,可根据动画视频快速学习预警器使用方法。 6.支持在高压线路下及变电站等复杂电场环境施工的作业车辆,可固定式安装,也可临时加装使用方便。 联系方式: 欢迎来电咨询:18951949841(微信同号),固定电话:025-86883571 025-84930468 QQ:3167096730 Nanjing Wendao Automation System Co. LTD Non-contact intelligent alarm system for high voltage power equipment [SHIANDA Anti-electric Shock Intelligent Warning System Software] Tele:+86 02584930468 Manager:Yuanrong 18951949841 (WeChat) mail: CW_YR@INFOSOFTCN.COM
Non-contact intelligent alarm system for high voltage power equipment (hereinafter referred to as intelligent warning system) is a kind of intelligent warning system used when operating vehicles operate beyond the safe range of high-voltage electrical equipment requirements in the non-contact state. This intelligent warning system consists of two modules, the transmit module (transmitter) and receiver module (receiver). Transmitting through 2.4G wireless transmission with data transmission distance of over 200m under barrier-free situations, this system could meet the site distance requirement. The transmit module (transmitter) and receiver module (receiver) could apply the local power supply (12V-24V) and battery supply, The system is equipped with passive switch output and 485 output port, and the 485 output port supports MODBUS protocol which facilitates easily access to automatic control system. The application range of this product: it can be used in aerial work vehicle, platform vehicle, fire truck, oil field, coal mine, well drilling equipment, cement pump truck, Power industry construction vehicles, cotton picker and other construction vehicles. |