| 企业详细介绍: |
虎桥物流,专注代理全球进口运输,拥有超过180名物流顾问的服务平台,为业内先行之进口物流运营商。虎桥承诺以全球化协同策略,辅助信息化技术工具,成为进口货主首选之物流供应商。 虎桥运营,建立“标准进口物流”卓越理念为使命。公司按“机电、化工、原木、耗材”分4大货类共800多种品名为服务行销细化规划,力求精化满足货主诉求。公司内部施行seahoger进口业务ERP信息管理,外部市场营销拟全面推行“斯赫尔BTB物流供应链管理平台”,充分实现虎桥运营管理电子商务化。虎桥进口物流的专业化运营模式,适应国内加速成长的全球采购机制。 虎桥成长,1997年起代理经营华南区中港运输及珠三角内河驳船业务。至今日,虎桥提单和目的港货运代理覆盖海外100多个主要港口,完成建立可提供标准化服务之国际运营网络。虎桥立足长三角(上海、宁波、苏州、杭州)、珠三角(香港、东莞、深圳、广州、佛山、中山、珠海)和华北区(天津、青岛),依靠大港的进口枢纽操控,灵活化整合沿海主要口岸的港航、关务、进出口权、保税仓、监管仓、中转仓、拖车管物流资源,完善自身的进口物流供应链管理系统。虎桥进口物流服务,遍及华东区、华南区、华北区各个主要工业城市。 Seahog logistics,an effective international logistics company in Chian,was founded in 1997,and has an operation platform with more than 180 logistics consultants it is alreadyy a leading import logistics provider in the industry Seahog specialized in door to door freight forwarding when it is network spreading around over 100 main overseas ports.Rely on the huge ports import terminal affection, Seahog has many banches in South China (Dongguan,Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Hongkong)、North china(Tianjin、qingdao) and East China (Shanghai,Ningbo,Suzhou,Hangzhou) as well as Customs,Shipment,Imp&Exp.License,Warehouse and Trucking service. It dedicates to combine global resources and informatization technique to be the best choice for clients at home and abroad... In 2007,Seahog built an innovative standard import logistics service system as a great mission successfully.Itnever stops adapting the rapid change in the market .More than 800 kinds of products included in Machinery Chemicals,Wood, Expendable supplies are well ranged ,what can satisfy customers various requirements. Seahog,an expert who provides integrated logistics solutions. |