| 企业详细介绍: |
东莞市立象条码有限公司 是国内领先的条码集成解决方案的专业提供商。公司基于创新的理念、先进的管理手段,高效专业的开发实施团队,以及尖端的自动识别技术、无线网络技术和移动计算技术,帮助企业提高生产效率,实现卓越生产。公司全面提供包括顾问咨询、系统集成、系统实施、软件开发、产品销售、技术支持和技术培训等增值服务和增值销售。提供包括条码设备、软件解决方案、RFID 集成实施、条码及无线网络系统等,为用户提供一站式的解决方案。 公司拥有雄厚的科研实力和一支有着丰富开发和实施经验的专业化,高素质员工团队,成为国内自动识别领域最具研发规模和实力的领先厂商,具有强大的软件开发和系统集成能力,可为金融,政府,税务,制造业,零售业等行业客户提供可靠的设备和先进的行业解决方案. 公司依托多年从事企业执行系统集成的经验,以及设计和实施条码/RFID 系统、无线网络系统、和移动计算系统的经验,加上与目前主流ERP 厂家 国外SAP,Oracle,Info, 国内金蝶,用友等著名厂商的紧密合作,立象公司能保证将您的IT 系统应用收益最大化.达到结果导向(ERP)和过程控制(条码系统)一致化. 立象的IT 团队以恪守“成就客户,诚信正直,创业创新”的企业信念,不断探索新技术带来的生产力,在自动识别领域,以卓越的信息技术提高人们的工作效率和生活品质,促进社会信息化发展,带动中国信息应用技术走向世界前沿!
Company Profile Dongguan Lesain Barcode Co., Ltd., the leading barcode integrated solution provider. Company improve productivity and production to achieve excellence based on innovative concepts, advanced management tools, the development and implementation of efficient, professional team, advance automatic identification technology, wireless networks and mobile computing technologies. Company provides clients with a one-stop solution, including bar code equipment, software solutions, RFID integrated implementation of Article Code and wireless network systems and value-added services including consulting, systems integration, systems implementation, software development, product sales and technical suPPOrt. The company has strong technological strength and a rich experience team of employees in development and implementation, with a strong capability of software development and system integration, LiXiang has become the leading manufacturers in the field of automatic identification. The company provides customers such as financial sector, government dePARtments, tax departments, manufacturing, retail, with reliable equipment and advanced industry solutions. By the experience for many years engaged in the implementation of systems integration, the experience of design and implementation of bar code / RFID systems, wireless network systems and mobile computing systems, and the close co-operation with the current mainstream manufacturers ERP foreign SAP, Oracle, Info, Kingdee, UF and other well-known manufacturers, the company can guarantee your IT system to maximize revenue, and to achieve results-oriented (ERP) and process control (bar-code system) of the same. The work team adhere to the enterprise conviction, “success, integrity, innovation", constantly explore new technology, improve people's work efficiency and quality by advanced information technology, and promote the APPlication of China's information technology to the forefront of the world!