企业详细资料 [公司介绍]


所属行业: 通信/仪表
主要产品及服务: 深圳市芯威科技有限公司主营433M无线模块,2.4G无线数传模块,ZigBee模块
企业类型: 外商独资
注册资本: 200万
成立日期: 2002-11-26
员工人数: 50以下
公司所在地: 广东 深圳市
企业地址: 南山区科技麒麟路1号科技创业中心613
企业邮编: 518057
联系人: Clare
联系电话: 0755-88848412
公司传真: 0755-22646380

The V-chip Philosophy

When seeking low power and low cost RF module you have countless options. Why choose V-chip? Our people and our philosophy make all the difference. V-chip's team is both expert and experienced, but only pursues projects within our domain and our capacity. Other vendors may jump at any oPPOrtunity, but V-chip focuses on our core business: wireless technology.

This is the baSIS of V-chip's technical work: do what we know as well as possible, and always be expanding and refining our capacities. This is also the foundation of our role in the community and with colleagues and clients. We build relationsHIPS one at a time and spend as much time referring business as we do pursuing it. We treat everyone like a PARtner—directing them to the best resources, whether within V-chip or elsewhere.

Long-Term Relationships

Business may be moving at an incredible rate, but it's not about to disAPPear. V-chip builds relationships and provides services for the long term. Any technology will require maintenance, so any relationship between technology providers and consumers should be one made to last.

To V-chip, a successful business relationship is a partnership where all parties benefit in the short and long term. We work not only to be the among the best available RF Module services companies, but to partner only with the brightest potential clients. Contact us today to start a new relationship.

A Reputation for Service

V-chip is known among its customers, partners, and vendors as a company committed to service. If you need a technology resource that will thoroughly research potential solutions, fairly weigh options for your benefit, and provide the best possible service, contact V-chip today.

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