提供船舶自动化设备专业化的安装与维修检测服务,克令吊控制系统修理维护克令吊 船用克令吊 起货机 修理 自动化 检测 船舶 电气 维修BLM Hagglund IHI Kawasaki KGW Liebherr NMF O&KShinkoTsuji
| 企业详细介绍: |
上海卫洋自控技术有限公司 上海卫洋自控技术有限公司是一家集科工贸为一体的高科技企业,公司主要从事工业自动化控制技术、计算机技术的开发应用与维护改造,以及为船舶自动化设备提供专业化的安装与维修检测服务。 公司置有先进的现场测试仪器和经验丰富的现场技术人员,依托国家级研究所的强大技术支持团队能够满足用户特殊的技术要求,可根据特殊需求来进行专门设计施工。公司专业承接有着特殊要求的船舶和工业自动化控制系统整体开发,设备安装调试和技术咨询业务,同时公司以精湛的专业技术和高尚的社会责任为用户做好后续服务。公司技术部和船务部均在浦东新区浦东大道1638号长期驻有工程技术骨干,船务部下有一支多年来为船舶公司排解疑难杂症的修船队伍。在船舶修理特别是应急航修情况下,我们能够快速抵达全国沿海各大港口和长江沿线各个口岸,现场技术服务人员能够保质、保量、保时的前提下完成客户的工程委托事务。 上海卫洋自控技术有限公司 WEIYANG AUTOMATIC CONTROL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 地址:上海市浦东大道1638号1009室 200135 Fax:021-58523114 Mobile:13918125508 E-mail:WEIYANG@AUTOMATICCONTROL.CN
Shanghai Weiyang Automatic Control Technology Limited Company is a high-tech entERPrise specialized in R&D for automatic control technology and computer technology as well as professional services for install and maintenance of automatic ship equipments. The company possesses various kinds of advanced on-site instruments and a group of experienced technicians as well. With the technology suPPOrt from the state-level research center, it could meet customers’ specific needs and thus carry out the corresponding design and construct. The company takes on varied R&D projects for boat and industrial automatic control system, provides services such as instrument installing and adjustment and technology consulting as well as excellent posterior services. The company’s shipping dePARtment and technical department at Pudong New District enjoys an enormous technician asset. The shipping department also has a troop of seasoned ship-repair technicians who are expert at emergency incidents. Our service covers all the ports of the coastal areas and ports along the Yangtze River and each project could be finished within limited time and with first-class quality at the meanwhile. |