企业详细资料 [公司介绍]


We wholeheartedly supply customers with high-quality products, prompt stock, professional service, which is trusted deeply by the customers in home and abroad.
所属行业: 通信/仪表
主要产品及服务: 电子元器件,芯片/模块
企业类型: 私营/民营
成立日期: 2000-04-01
员工人数: 50以下
公司所在地: 北京 海淀区
企业地址: 10-B1A Chunyinyuan Landianchang Haidian District Beijing Chi
企业邮编: 100098
联系电话: (86)10-88874701
公司传真: (86)10-88874702

Since foundation we adhere to the management theory: "Sincerity the basest, Customer the highest, Quality the first". We wholeheartedly supply customers with high-quality products, prompt stock, professional service, which is trusted deeply by the customers in home and abroad.Our customer spread all over the world.Turkey, Pakistan,India, Indonesia, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Russia, Syria, Czechic, Belgium, SaudiArabia, Egypt, SouthAfrica, France, USA, Philippine, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea......

Taking market as the leading factor all the time, and having accumulated abundant experience in the field of IC electronic components, QJY Electronics Components Purchasing Net has formed one's own unique advantage .

With our own bulk stock storage and 5+ mililion line items from 1.500+providers as well as keeping a very good relationship with secure OEM clients in Europe , North America and Asia, and reliable global suppliers, we can speedly supply the lacked and long-term requirement for customers. We have every reason to believe that we are your window into the world’s supply of OEM Excess Inventory.

Let us be your one-stop souring destination for hard-to-find.obsolete, and long lead-time PARts at a 10-30% savings on select components via OEM excess inventories.

You search for a part,submit a request for quote, and we do the rest. We will source the part, get the best pricing/delivery available, and finally submit a quote to you. If you like the offer, you provide with a purchase order.

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