| 企业详细介绍: |
北京市建兴新建材开发中心是国内最早研制聚合物干粉砂浆,建立起TDL外墙外保温系统的、具有独立法人资格,集科研、生产、经营、施工为一体的实体企业。 Beijing Jianxing New Building Material R&D Center, integrating scientific research, production, marketing and constructing, is the first company which researches polymer dry mortar and has successfully developed TDL external thermal insulation systems (hereinafter referred to as TDL Systems). The company has independent legal person qualifications. 中心技术力量雄厚,拥有一支经验丰富、知识渊博的专家组顾问团,拥有一支强有力的科研开发队伍,并同国外多家专业公司保持着长期稳定的技术业务方面的合作关系。中心在中德合作的基础上,吸收欧洲成熟的先进技术,自主开发研制出彩色装饰砂浆及柔性饰面砖,用以替代传统的涂装和瓷砖;自主开发建立了“TDL聚苯板(EPS/XPS)薄抹灰外墙外保温系统”、“TDL柔性饰面砖外墙外保温系统”和“TDL彩色装饰砂浆外墙外保温系统”,现有产品达到三十余种,依靠其强大的技术力量,正在和未来将不断推出新技术、新产品。 The company has an experienced and professional advisory group and a creative research team. It enjoys a long-term cooperative relationship in the field of technology with many foreign companies. Based on advanced European technology, the company has developed the color decoration mortar and the flex tile to replace the traditional paint and ceramic tile;and has developed the following three TDL Systems. Those are, TDL External Thermal Insulation System finished by the Color Decoration Mortar, TDL External Thermal Insulation Composite System Based on Polystyrene Board(including EPS,XPS)and TDL External Thermal Insulation System Finished by the Flex Tile. The existing products of the company reaches more than 30。Relying on its strong technical force, the company is introducing and will continue to introduce new technologies and products.
TDL外墙外保温系统在全国各地得到了有效推广,并先后被建设部列为2001年科技成果推广转化指南项目和2005年全国建设行业科技成果推广项目,其综合水平被北京市建委评议为国内先进水平;系统产品经过各省市专业检测机构300余次的监督检验,产品质量稳定可靠。截止2008年底,TDL外墙外保温系统已在北京、深圳等10余个省市和中东巴林等国应用了1000多万平方米,中心也被国家建设行政主管部门评为“2008年中国建筑节能减排典范企业”。 TDL Systems have been effectively promoted throughout the country, has been chosen by Ministry of Construction as the scientific and technical promotion project in 2001, and the promotion project for National Construction Industry in 2005. Its comprehensive technology level is among the top in the country by Beijing Construction Commission. The system has been tested by professional inspection instructions for more than 300 times and the quality has been proved to be conSIStent. At the end of 2008, in the kingdom of Bahrain and more than ten provinces such as Beijing, Shenzhen etc of China, over 10,000,000 m2 of building area has APPlied TDL Systems. And the company has also been judged as “the Example EntERPrise on Energy Conservation in Building and Emission Reduction for China in 2008” by the National Construction Concerned Administration. 中心正在不断提高企业的核心竞争力,实现成为“建筑节能技术的领跑者”的战略目标,为我国建筑节能和环保事业跨越式发展做出新的贡献。 The company is continuously promoting its core comPETitiveness to realize the strategic goal of being the forerunner of building energy efficiency technology, so as to make further contribution to building energy efficiency and environment protection affairs. |