河南濮阳三杰化工有限公司主导产品新型增塑剂:多元醇苯甲酸 酯,二甘醇二苯甲酸酯,聚酯增塑剂等,可以取代DOP,DBP等主流增 塑剂。多年来受到国内及国际用户的一致好评,今年出口数量又大幅 攀升.截止到今年10月份,圆满完成了今年的出口计划。 产品特点: 1、使用本品可缩短捏合时间和塑化时间,在同等加工条 件下,比DOP .DBP有节能效果,同时赋予制品更好的光亮度和稳定性。 2、且挥发度小,耐油性、耐水性、耐污染性和耐光变性好,闪点高, 无毒环保使用安全. 3、是适用于聚氯乙稀等多种树脂的增塑剂。它在PVC塑料薄膜、压延法 人造革、塑料凉鞋、泡沬拖鞋、PVC电缆料、牛筋鞋底、发泡PVC鞋料、 橡胶鞋料、门窗与车船密封条、PVC异型材、软板、各种软质、硬质管材 、PVC热收缩膜、PVC扭结膜、PVC板材、装饰材、发泡硬板等一切使用增 塑剂的产品中,有着广泛的用途。是目前增塑剂行业售价较低的新型增塑 剂,可大幅降低塑料产品成本。 公司理念: 杰出的品质,杰出的信誉,杰出的服务。河南濮阳三杰化工 有限公司是一家大型化工企业,建立有完善的质量管理体系和严格产品检 验制度,执行GB-11406-89标准,在同行业中率先通过了ISO9002标准的产 品质量认证和质量体系认证。被中国化工会精细化工专业委员会授予“质 量过硬、优秀重点推荐产品”与韩国大林公司、 日本SUNTORY 等世界知 名公司保持长期合作关系,使公司营销决策能够立足于全球市场,采购低 价格的原料,确保向客户提供质优价廉的增塑剂产品。 公司地址: 中国河南省濮阳市中原路28号 联系人: 张经理 TEL: 86 0393 4629802 FAX: 86 0393 4879546 http://www.pySANjie.com
香港办事处: 新界元郎上章围210号A楼二座 TEL: 00852-63933413 Our latest plasticizers,‘Polyther Polyol Benzoate'&‘Diethylene Glycol Dibenzoate (DEBD)'are the pioneer products those have gained the great awards and best reputations from domestic and international customers since launching into the market.For many years has received the home and the international user's conSIStent high praise, exports quantity also to be large this year cliMBS. Cuts off this year October, has completed this year exportation plan completely.
1、 Under the same production environment, DEBD can substitute DOP or DBP because it can speed up the finish time for mixing & plasticizing. It can save up higher input energy and improve the product properties of lightness and stability。 2、furthermore,it is provided with many characters such as lower volatility, oil resistance,water resistance, stain resistance and excellent light variance. 3、 As the plasticizer, its low temperature resistance is sUPErior to DOP so that it is much suitable for most of resins such as polyvinyl chloride. The Henan Puyang three outstanding chemical industry limited companies are a large-scale chemical entERPrise, the establishment have the consummation quality control system and the strict product examination system,Carries out the GB-11406-89 standard,The lead passed the ISO9002 standard product quality authentication and the quality system authentication in the same profession.Is awarded the quality by the Chinese trade union fine chemical industry specialized committee to stand up to the most rigorous test, the outstanding key recommendation product。With South Korean Big world well-known companies and so on Forest Company, Japanese SUNTORY maintain the long-term cooperation,Enables the company marketing decision-making to base on the global market,Purchases the low price raw material,Guarantees provides the high quality at low price to the customer the plasticizer product. Sanjie Chemical Industry Ltd. Puyang city Henan province Excellent Quality,Excellent Reputation, Excellent Service Address: No. 28 Zhong Yuan Road Puyang City Henan Province China Postal Code: 457000 Contact: Mr. zhang TEL: 0086 0393 4629802 FAX: 0086 0393 4879546 MSN EMAIL: pysanjie@hotmail.com Hong Kong Office:Address: 1/F Block A 210 Sheung Cheung Wai Yuen Long N.T., HK Contact: Mr. KC Chan TEL: 00852 63933413 |