| 企业详细介绍: |
西安天一生物技术有限公司位于西安市高新技术开发区,专业致力于从天然植物中提取和分离有效成分,为食品添加剂、天然药物、化妆品、功能食品、香精香料等行业提供优良的天然有机产品和技术服务。 公司现在产品分为三部分:“常规产品”;“优势产品”和“在研产品”。常规产品其代表为:白藜芦醇、淫羊藿提取物、葛根素、绞股蓝皂甙、刺蒺藜提取物、厚朴提取物、当归提取物、紫锥菊提取物等。目前推出四种技术含量较高的强势产品:青蒿素,水飞蓟宾,香紫苏醇,香紫苏内酯。另外公司与西北大学等高等院校合作研究开发新的项目,处于不同阶段在研品种有三项。公司目标旨在专业领域不断开拓创新,并建起了完善的销售服务体系,力求成为一家专业精良的天然产物生产商,促进传统中药发展,将其推广到世界各地。 我司全部设备为近年来化工药品行业的先进设备,提取、分离、纯化、干燥3条生产线设备精良,工艺技术采用了目前国内外先进的离子交换、连续逆流萃取、超临界萃取,分析检测以HPLC、GC、UV等方法检测,植物提取技术和装备水平处于领先地位。 我们以信誉为生命,以质量为保证,以真诚的服务打动您,您的满意就是我们的工作标准,天一人就是要给您感动。热忱欢迎各地朋友来电来函,共拓发展。
Brief company Introduction Xi'an Acetar bio-Tech Inc. is located in Xi'an high-tech Industry development zone, our company dedicated in extract and sePARate the effective components from natural herbs, provide natural organic product and technical service to food additive, natural medicine, cosmetics, function food, and essence spice. Our main products are Resveratrol, Silybin, Sclareol, Sclareolide, POMegranate extract, Yucca extract, Epemedium extract, Puerarin, Gynostemma extract, Tribulus Terrestris extract, Magnolia extract, Angelica extract, Echinacea extract, Siberian Ginseng, Bilberry extract, Ginseng extract, Cactus extract, White kidney bean extract etc. The corporate goal is unceasingly developing and innovate in this professional area, and built up the perfect sales service system, try our best to be a professional natural herb manufacturer, and to prompt the development of Chinese traditional medicine and spread all around the world. We own 3 suits of advanced equipments in chemical medicine industry; include extract, separate, purification, and dry, the craft technology has used at present domestic and foreign advanced ionic exchange, the continuous counter extract, the sUPErcritical extract, the analySIS examination is HPLC, GC, UV etc, our plant extraction technology and the equipment level is at the leading position. We take the prestige as the life, take the quality as the guarantee, moves you by the sincere service, your satisfaction is our working standard. Zealously welcome our friends to ring or to send the e-mail to us, and develop together.