| 企业详细介绍: |
林海首饰是从事生产、销售和设计珍珠首饰的专业公司,有着丰富的专业经验及高素质的从业人员,主要有:中国淡水养殖珍珠链及散珠、林海首饰配件、林海花链和林海磁能保健珍珠。 珍珠外形圆浑、色泽柔和、晶莹多彩,别具迷人魅力。它雍容华贵的王家风范、蕴藉风流的名媛气质,同坚毅刚硬的钻石相辅现成,配成至阴至阳的一对,因此珍珠又有“宝石皇后”的美誉。它两亿年前就已扎根地球,是人类最早的宝石朋友之一。但传统淡珠首饰大多款式单调,花链手工复杂,样子老气厚重,加之淡珠首饰有低值性和更换快的特点,传统工艺和款式已无法满足日新月异的现代人们的生活需要。为适应这种市场需要,林海首饰设计制造了一系列专用于珠形宝石首饰制作的配件——林海配件,弥补了传统珍珠产品的这一不足。 林海配件本着易穿制、造型新的原则进行设计,力求通过简便穿制即可使珍珠首饰达到优美效果,使用林海配件完成的首饰即能达到简洁明快、清秀端庄,又能达到雍容华贵、夸张气派,可满足不同年龄女性和不同场合的需要。 林海配件目前主要以合金为坏,多道程序优质抛光,表面采用高档手表的表面处理工艺——真空离子压金或包厚金,故产品光洁可鉴,且耐磨、不变色、抗皮肤敏感,可连续正常佩戴8000小时。 本公司已开发了近千个不同品种及不同颜色(18K、14K、玫瑰色、白金色、青金色、磨沙等)的配件,花链产品已拥有了近千个风格各异的款式,且每月都要有新品推出,公司成品链及配件现货做交货准时,亦可根据客户要求加工制作特殊造型、特定颜色的配件及花链成品,代为客户保密。林海首饰本着以诚经商的原则,愿广结国内外客户,互通有无,共同发展。
沈阳林海首饰(制造) Linhai jewelry manufacturing brief introduction
Linhai jewelry is a professional company which engaged in producing, selling and designing pearl jewelry. We have high quality designers with abundant professional experience. The main products are Chinese freshwater pearl jewelry ,the unfinished pearls and jewelry PARts. The pearls have round shape and shiny Luster. The major colors are white, rose, cream, blue and black. It displays rainbow-like colors that emanate from deep within and have a sharp reflection on the surface. Comparing with diamond, pearl has a soft quality of Material, so it gets a reputation of the "Queen of Gemstone". But traditional fresh water pearl jewelry's style is usually monotonous and with old spirit in APPearance. Especially, the pearl jewelry has the peculiarity that low price and quick-replacement, the traditional craft has can't satisfy the continuous changes and improvements of people’s demand in the style of jewelry .For adapting to the market needs, we design and produce a series of fittings which can be used to produce pearl jewelry ,it's Linhai fittings.
Linhai jewelry fittings have fashionable shape and simplicity of making jewelry. It becomes very easy to making slap-up pearl jewelry with Linhai jewelry fittings. Jewelries decorated with Linhai jewelry fittings can get all kinds of effects: plain, natural, elegant and luxurious. Linhai fittings is primarily made of alloy, polished from a series of working procedure, the surface takes the especial craft-- vacuum ion presses gold or micron gold filLED which are used to deal with the surface of slap-up watch .So it has the idiosyncrasy that wear-reSIStant, no fading and allergy-proof and has a longevity. Our company has developed near thouSANd different fittings with lots of colors (such as18K, 14K, rosiness, cyan-gold, whit-gold, notlight etc.)We have over 1000 styles pearl jewelry and continue developing new productions. Deliver the goods on time with high quality is our principle. We can also design the productions with special shape and particular color according to Customer’s request. Linhai jewellery company welcome you. |