| 企业详细介绍: |
1. 全铁路运输以及海铁多式联运至中亚五国,俄罗斯, 阿塞拜疆等地区 (1) 中国出口货物可以从国内各大车站全铁路运输至中亚五国,俄罗斯, 阿塞拜疆等地区 (2) 我司专业提供海铁联运服务. 从日本/韩国/台湾/香港/美国/东南亚等各国始发的跨国境货物经过连云港口岸过境中国运抵中亚五国,俄罗斯等独联体国家。 从中国长三角/珠三角地区的货物亦可通过内贸船运抵连云港后转换铁路运输至上述地区 All-Railway Trans and Sea-Railway Trans to Central Asia/Russia. (1). Exported cargo from China can be transported from main railway stations of China to Central Asia/Russia by All-Railway. (2). Sea-Railway Trans Service. Cargo can be transported from Korea/Japan/Taiwan/Hong Kong/USA/Southeast Asia to LYG by Sea, and then transit to Central Asia, Russia by Railway. Cargo from Chinese Pearl River delta and Yangtze Delta Region can be also transported to LYG by Sea and transit to Central Asia/Russia by Railway. 2. 公路运输 Highway Transportation 我司开展连云港—霍尔果斯/杜拉塔/伊尔克斯坦/土尔尕特口岸的干货柜, 冻柜运输. 冷冻货物运输, 我司使用全程制冷集装箱专用卡车, 根据货物要求设置温度.全程运输时间: 连云港—霍尔果斯/杜拉塔口岸 3天 连云港—伊尔克斯坦/土尔尕特口岸 4天 EverExpress provides DRY/RF Container highway transportation service from LYG to Hugous/Dulata/Irkeshtan. For refrigeration cargo, we use Through Carriage Refrigeration Truck, set and control the temperature strictly according to client’s request. Transit Time: LYG—Hugous/Dulata 3 days LYG-Irkeshstan 4 days 3. 大件货物和项目运输Large Size Vehicles/Project Transportation 我司有丰富的经验操作大型车辆和设备,如挖掘机, 重型卡车, 客车等货物运输, 使用平板火车或者卡车运至目的地. 而独具我司优势和特色的服务是大型轮式车辆自驾服务. 对于一些大型的轮式车辆,如果大型客车, 沥青搅拌车, 轮式起重设备等, 我司可以使用自驾方式开至中国边境口岸. 可以有效的为客户节约费用, 缩短运输时间. EverExpress has full experience to handle large size vehicles and project transportation, including excavator, truck, and bus. We use flat truck or railway wagon to transport above mentioned cargo to final destination. EverExpress’s characteristic service is to drive large size wheel vehicles to border of China, which can save much cost and transit time for client. |