| 企业详细介绍: |
沧州永欣铸造有限公司(原名沧州欣业铸造有限公司)座落于铸造名城泊头市工业园区,距京沪高速公路南皮出口1公里,占地20000平方米,是专业生产球墨铸铁给水管件、消防管件、污水泵站管及管件、球墨铸铁井盖,A、W型柔性排水管及管件的民营企业。目前拥有高工10人,中级职称人员30人。铸件年产量10000吨。已销往国内各省及欧洲、中东、东南亚等国家和地区。另外在天津、北京、西安、济南、厦门等地设立了办事处,形成了良好的生产、销售网络,产品得到了业内人士的一致认可。 公司有齐全的物理、化学检测设备,先进的生产工艺,建立了完善的质量保证体系,2002年2月通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证。公司全体员工热忱欢迎您的光临,为您提供优良的产品及完善的售前售后服务。 Cangzhou Yongxin Castings Co., Ltd (formerly calLED Cangzhou Xinye Castings CO., LTD) is located at well-known castings city – Industrial Area of Botou. The company occupies area of 20,000 ㎡which is at distance of 1 kilometre from Beijing-Shanghai Expressway Nanpi Exit. We are private entERPrise which specialize in manufacturing ductile iron pipe fittings, fire fighting pipe fittings, piPES and pipe fittings for sewage pumping station, ductile iron manhole covers and A&W flexible drainage pipe& pipe fittings. Company currently has 10 senior title technicians and 30 intermediate title technicians. The yearly ouTPUt of ductile iron fitting has reached 10,000 tons and has been sold to the market of Europe, Middle-East and Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. Besides, we have set up offices in Tianjin, Peking, Xian, Jinan, Xiamen and other regions. Now, they have formed a perfect manufacturing and sales network. Moreover, Our products have obtained unanimous APProval. With well-equipped physical and chemical test equipements and advanced production method, we have built a perfect quality assurance system. Moreover, our factory has passed ISO9001:2000 quality management system authentication in 2002. You are welcome to our company, Cangzhou Yongxin Castings Co., Ltd will offer you the best products and sUPEr service before and after selling. |