旗舰工业设计成立于2004 年底。成立伊始,我们坚持遵循“适合之道,解决之道”的企业精神,按照国际水准要求自己,凝聚了一批优秀的设计师队伍,同时拥有最先进的CAID 和CAD 电脑辅助工业设计系统,有利的保证了我们的设计思想、程序、方法、和工具与国际接轨,始终站在时尚和理念的最前沿。
| 企业详细介绍: | 舰工业设计最宝贵的核心就是一群热爱生活,充满梦想和激情的设计师!在长期的设计实践中,我们的设计团队一直致力于将消费者内在的情感需求构建在产品上,通过我们的设计将美带给消费者,并引导消费者去体验新的生活方式,带来更有品质的生活。 The most invaluable core of Flagship Industrial Design is a group of designers. They are full of dream and emotion. Our Industrial Design teams have always paid great attention to the customers’ internal emotion, and lead the customers to enjoy the new style of life through the products we designed. 在下列领域我们已经尝试并取得成功:通讯、交通工具、医疗、IT,仪器仪表设备,家电等。 We have attempted and succeeded in the fields as follows: Vehicle, Communication, Medical instrument, IT, Household APPliances, etc
相互尊重、高度的责任心、与客户及时而充分的沟通、相互间的真正需求将是我们合作成功的基础。 Mutual respect 、highly responsibility 、communicate with client fully and betimes 、mutual requirement will be the baSIS of our successful cooperation |